Fraternity-Testvériség, 1980 (58. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)

1980-01-01 / 1. szám

ÁRPÁD GEORGE: From the OFFICE of the PRESIDENT Following the death of Mr. Ernest Sala and the resignation of Mrs. Anna R. Sala from the manager position of our Akron branch No. 165 Mr. Alexander Patonai took over the branch management. The branch members at the special meeting held on Janu­ary 27th unanimously elected Mr. Alexander Patonai as delegate and Mrs. Elizabeth Patonai as alternate to the 1980 Convention. We were shocked to read that Mr. Patonai at age 63 died of a heart attack on January 29th in the Cuyahoga Falls General Hospital. He was born in Akron. After 40 years of service he retired from the B. F. Goodrich Tire and Rubber Co. He was a member and elder of the Christ Re­formed Church in Akron. The Rt. Rev. Tibor Do- motor officiated at the funeral service. As a Board member he also said a fraternal farewell representing the HRFA. We were glad to read from the January issue of the Calvin Chimes, a newsletter of the Calvin i United Church of Christ in Toledo, Ohio that Miss Ethel Molnár our Board member and Mr. Albert Bacho our Toledo No. 21 branch manager were instrumental and in­fluential by their dedicated frater­nal services to inspire the members of the congrega­tion and the branch to make contributions toward the support of the Bethlen Home. As a result fol­lowing the preaching of Rev. Paul Kovács a check of substantial amount was mailed to the Home. Dur­ing the discussion the question was asked “why the gift!?” The answer was: “The Home is for the aged — it was founded by people of our faith — it is a privilege to help maintain its growth and the care of our otherwise homeless aged... Who knows ... may­be one day, someone from our church family will live out his or her life there in the tender - loving - care given each resident of the Home.” At the annual meeting the branch decided to work hard for the success of the 1980 Ethnic Festival projects to be held in August. The branch will also “charter a bus for a trip to see the Bethlen Home and the Chapel.” FRATERNITY Official Organ of The Hungarian Reformed Fed. of America Edited by Officers of the Federation Published quarterly — four times a year. Subscription for non-members in U.S.A. and Canada $2, elsewhere $3 a year. Office of Publication: Bethlen Press, Inc.. Ligonier, Pa. 15658 POSTMASTER:—Send Form 3579 to Editorial Office: P. O. Box 34917, Washington, D. C. 20034. Telephone: (301) 770-1144. Editorial Committee: Editor-in-Chief and Managing Editor— Rt. Rev. Arpad George, President Associate Editors— László L. Eszenyi, Executive Vice-President, Elmer E. Vargo, Secretary, Joseph S. Molnár, Treasurer. Second Class Postage Paid at the Post Office in Ligonier. Pa. 15658. I was delighted to re­ceive the good news from Mrs. Charlotte K. Kantor that the Women’s Fellow­ship of the Fairport Har­bor Hungarian Reformed Church in November, 1979 published another cook­book entitled: “Hungarian Delights.” Its sale price is $2.00, plus 50 cents post­age. The price of “Cook­book with an Accent” is $3.50, plus 50 cents post­age. The price for ordering both books is $6.00 including postage. Our Fairport Harbor branch No. 3 was grateful for the help it received from the Wo­men’s Fellowship at the 1979 picnic it sponsored for the benefit of our Bethlen Home. Easter is an excel­lent occasion to have a copy of the Hungarian De­lights mailed to a relative or friend. Please order the book from Mrs. Robert Esterle, 34 Overlook Road, Painesville, Ohio 44077, or Women’s Fellow­ship, Hungarian Reformed Church, 607 Plum St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio 44077. 3

