Fraternity-Testvériség, 1977 (55. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)

1977-01-01 / 1. szám

EASTER POEMS “In the cross of Christ I glory, Towering o’er the wrecks of time: All the light of sacred story Gathers round its head sublime. When the woes of life o’er take me, Hope deceives, and fears annoy: Never shall the cross forsake me: Lo, it glows with peace and joy. Bane and blessing, pain and pleasure, By the cross are sanctified: Peace is there that knows no measure, Joys that through all time abide.” GUARD AT THE SEPULCHER I was a Roman soldier in my prime; Now age is on me, and the yoke of time. I saw your Risen Christ, for I am he Who reached the hyssop to Him on the tree, And I am one of two who watched beside The sepulcher of Him we crucified. All that last night I watched with sleepless eyes; Great stars arose and crept across the skies. The world was all too still for mortal rest, For pitiless thoughts were busy in the breast. The night was long, so long it seemed at last I had grown old and a long life had passed. Far off, the hills of Moab, touched with light, Were swimming in the halloiv of the night. I saw Jerusalem all wrapped in cloud, Streached like a dead thing folded in a shroud. EASTER TRIUMPH Life must triumph! Triumph it does. For if death be the victor, man­kind would vanish. Throughout history, however, mankind has re­mained. Yes, there have been floods and famines and wars and the hell of ignorance; there have been upheavals produced by disease and plagues, crimes and injus­tices, wrongs and evils. Yet does mankind triumph. Finally... And that is another message of Easter. ☆ ☆ JOURNEY’S END I searched the world for calm content; The search led high, the search led far; It led to where a baby lay Beneath a radiant star. I searched the world for living truth; The search was broad, the search was long; It led to Him beside a sea Before a listening throng. I searched the world for perfect love; The search was deep, the search was wide; It led me to a wind-swept hill, To One they crucified. I searched the world for joyous faith; Into a garden led the way, I found it at His empty tomb On Resurrection Day! —B. S. Bays. Once in the pauses of our whispered talk I heard a something on the garden walk. Perhaps it was a crisp leaf lightly stirred — Perhaps the dream-note of a waking bird. Then suddenly an angel, burning white, Came down with earthquake in the breaking light, And rolled the great stone from the sepulcher, Mixing the morning with a scent of myrrh. And lo, the Dead had risen with the day: The Man of Mystery had gone His way! Years have I wandered, carrying my shame; Now let the tooth of time eat out my name. For we, who all the wonder might have told, Kept silence, for our mouths were stopt with gold. a The Hungarian Reformed Federation | I of America | I wishes I I a happy and blessed Easter | I to all | I its Members and Friends X The National Officers. X 3

