Fraternity-Testvériség, 1975 (53. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1975-07-01 / 7-9. szám

Golden Wedding Anniversary Steven, Jr., Alex, Helen (Mrs. Boris Gosciejew), Irene (Mrs. Robert Johnson) and Mary (Mrs. Joseph Antoniono), as loving and grateful children sponsored a golden wedding anniversary party for their beloved parents Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Üveges on June 24, 1975. The sons and daughters were hosts at the reception to 400 friends and relatives assembled to honor the Üveges couple whom they learned to love and respect in the com­munity during the past five decades. Miss Mary Nagy became the bride of Stephen Üveges on June 22, 1925. The Lord was generous with his blessings to the Üveges couple enabling them to celebrate their golden anniversary with their five children and their family mem­bers: 16 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Mr. and Mrs. Üveges are members of the Springdale United Church of Christ and Mr. Üveges is the Manager of our Springdale 197 and New Kensington 283 branches. It is a pleasure to greet them at their 50th golden wedding anniversary and extend our best wishes to both as dedicated fraternalists. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir The installation of Rev. Paul Kantor, Fairport Harbor, Ohio. Rev. Aron Elek greets the new pastor. FRATERNAL LIFE INSURANCE AND HOSPITALIZATION j MAY WE BE OF SERVICE TO YOU? j Dear Friend: Brochures are available to give you informa- j tion about our Federation. The Dunne’s Insurance Report rates our Fed­eration among the best insurance companies in the United States. Our Federation was chartered in 1907 by the ) Congress of the United States. Our premiums are very favorable. The policy- 1 holder has not only a sound Life Insurance Cer- j I tificate, but helps the Federation to perform its i social and cultural services through the Bethlen j Home for the children and elderly people, Free- j dom Press, Summer School, Youth Camp, Stu- I dent Aid, Student Loan, Medical and Pecuniary I relief and mortgage loans for qualified members, etc. We are prepared to offer you, your family, relatives and friends Life Insurance, Sick Bene­fits, Hospitalization, Educational, Family Se­curity Plan, Mortgage Insurance, Retirement Income at age 65, Accidental and many other insurance plans. In these changing times our qualified repre­sentatives will call on you to review your present insurance coverage and give you expert advice to obtain the best and the most desirable in­surance plan. Please give us the privilege to serve you by j our local representatives. With greetings and Fraternally yours, DR. ZOLTÁN BEKY ARPAD GEORGE President Secretary <►——--------------------------------------------------------­CALL OUR LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE! Find their names, addresses and telephone num­ber on the last page of this magazine. 2 f

