Szittyakürt, 1978 (17. évfolyam, 1-9. szám)

1978-09-01 / 9. szám

Page 2 FIGHTS* JUNE 1978 FROM COLONIAL FOREIGN DOMINATION AND SUBJUGATION BY THE SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF ROMANIA AND DEMAND THE UNION OF TRANSYLVANIA WITH THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF HUNGARY. The case against Romania presents only highlights from the crimes which have and are being committed against the Hungarian people of Transylvania, since a complete analysis would require several hundred pages long legal docu­ment. However we must further expand on the issue of Transylvania, since the reader may lack familiarity with this part of the world and its history. TRANSYLVANIA... BLOOD AND EVIL SPIRITS In the popular mind Transylvania is a land of vampires and wolves. Of course the reputation is mainly due to the Hungarian film producer Béla Lugosi, who found Transylvania’s landscape and imaginative popular tales as a valuable source to satisfy Hollywood’s thirst for spooky movies. But what once was a fiction today is reality. Romanian authorities are digging up cemeteries. However this is not in search for vampires, but to eliminate the Hungarian history of Transylvania. Last year, several hundred years old Hungarian cemeteries were eliminated at Várad-Olaszi. And the trend continues. This is in clear agreement with the 1971 decree of Romania’s President Ceausescu “WE CAN HAVE ONLY ONE HISTORY IN THIS LAND” (Neue Züricher Zeitung-April 3. 1977). Transylvania, which is perhaps the richest historical area of the world is subjected to such vandalism. In the May 1975 issue of the Readers Digest in an article “When did Civilization Begin,” Ronald Schiller wrote: “the natives of Rumania may have invented a form of writing centuries before the Sumerians.” Of course the writer referred to the present political boundaries not the ethnic characteristics of the ancient people of the Maros valley, since these boundaries were drawn after World War I, at the conference table (TRIANON, commonly known Versailles Treaty) by the allied powers. Archeological, linguistic records by the thousands clearly show that the MAGYAR­­SCYTHA-HUN-SUBAR-SABIR people were the masters of Transylvania and the land far beyond it, for at least ten thousand years. Considering that the Romanian Government resorts to large scale exportation of their scholars, especially to the United States to mis­inform the American People about the history and the people of Transylvania, and promote the acceptance of their DACO-ROMAN LEGEND, we must address ourselves to the question: WHO ARE THE ROMANIANS? Records of ancient history make no re­ferences to a people called Romanian. The Ro­manian (or Rumanian both forms used) is mis­leading, because it creates the appearnace that these people descended from the Roman Empire. Byzantian historians frequently make mention of Dacia (the Latin name for Transylvania) and its inhabitants, but never mention that any Latin people ever lived there. The Roman conquest of Transylvania was short lived (150 years) and in the year 271 Aurelian withdrew its legions. Fol­lowing that every trace of Roman occupation disappeared. What appears on the map today as Romania is the World War I territory of Tran­sylvania, the ancient land of the Magyars (Hun­garians) and Moldavia and Wallachia. Up until WW. I. the Romanians were known by their cor­rect name as VLACHS, which means SHEP­­PERD, indicating their occupation, rather than their origin. The Vlachs never formed a nation. They were a conglomeration of people from the great migrations throughout the centuries, who came from the Balkans to the Eastern flanks of the Carpathian Mountains, in the XII-XVI cen­turies. The ethnic history of Vlachs is well documented in their language. According to their own linguist CIHAC, the following ety­mologic composition has been proven for the Ro­manian, that is Vlach language: 45.7% Slav words 31.5% Latin words 8.4% Turk words 6.0% Hungarians words 0.6% Albanian words Since the Vlach-Romanian language is domi­nated by slavic words it had to be formed no earlier than around the Vllth century, because this is the first time, when the Slav settlers reached the Balkan penninsula. This was also the area, where the Vlach came in contact with other shepperds, like the Epirotes, who originated from Italy and spoke a Latin tongue. In the beginning the Vlach language used the Cyrillic, that is the Slavic (like Russian) alphabet. It was not until the XVIII century, when the Hungarian Protestant and Catholic clergy started the Romanization of the Vlach language, with much difficulty, since the Latin alphabet did not have enough characters for the Slavic sounds. Nevertheless by 1791 the Ruma­­nization of the Vlach reached the point that in their publication “SUPPLEX LIBELLUS VAL­­LACHORUM” they have proposed a hypothesis, that they were the original settlers of Transyl­vania as direct descendents of Traian’s Roman colonizers. This is how the intruding shepperds started to talk about “NATIO VALACHIA,” the Vlach Nation. The foreign ruling class of the Habsburg monarchy found it expedient to sup­port the aspirations of the Vlach, now Romanian chauvinism, at the expense of the Hungarian people and homeland. After WW I. Romania took the opportune time to fullfill their dreams and thanks to the ignorance and bad intentions of the Western powers, Romania received political jurisdiction over Transylvania over the conference table. Hungary was able to regain part of Transylvania during WW II., but the Allied Powers returned the Hungarian land and people to Romanian occupation at the Paris Peace conference (1947). Romania never kept the terms of the Paris and subsequent Treaties and violated every inter­national law in reference to the Hungarian People of Transylvania. Today Dracula’s revenge comes to reality under Romanian Decree Law 206/1974, whereby the government is confiscat­ing, birth, death and marriage certificates, land titles, records of property sale, maps and other historical documents, which are in public, church or even personal possesion. This is how the government sponsored destruction of Hun­garian culture and history is taking place in Transylvania. The blood and murder under Romania’s mini-colonial rule in Transylvania could stand up to the requirements of contemporary film making. Last year two Hungarian educators, Jenő Szikszai and Lajos Kuthy were murdered. Romanian authorities have pressured Szikszai and Kuthy to sign a declaration,1 “whereby the Hungarian population of Brassó does not need any Hungarian schools.” Since both scholars refused to sign the document, they paid with their life. One week later Szikszai was found hung in a nearby forest and Kuthy was found shot through the head. Romanian authorities have claimed both cases to be suicides. FORCED ASSIMILATION — ETHNOCIDE On September 10, 1977 the prominent Király Károly, President of the Hungarian Nationality Workers Council sent a letter from Marosvásár­hely Transylvania to James Vince Central Com­mittee member of the Romanian Communist Party. Király pointed out in his letter that: “We were promised new secondary vocational and technical schools, in which studies were to be conducted in the language of the nationalities, but we have witnessed a decline in the number of these schools. Children cannot study in their native tongue. Compulsory instruction in the Romanian language has been introduced even at the kindergarten level. In 1976 a decision was niade to eliminate Hungarian institutions of higher education.” USE OF NATIVE TONGUE PROHIBITED Király complained that: “Nationalities can­not use their native tongue in state offices, Nationality Workers Councils. The Hungarian State Theater of Marosvásárhely has a Romanian director, who does not speak Hungarian. Ancient Hungarian cities with majority Hungarian population such as Nagyvárad, Marosvásárhely, Szováta etc. have appointed mayors who do not speak Hungarian.” Király stated in his appeal: “Signs identifying institutions, localities and so on in the native tongue of the local inhabitants have almost com­pletely disappeared. In 1971, when I was Party First Secretary in Kovászna County, we posted bilingual Rumanian and Hungarian signs, but their existence was short lived. The signs were simply removed and by 1975, not a single locality was identified in Hungarian.” Király’s appeal, which was smuggled out of Romania appeared on February 1, 1978 in the New York Times. While the Socialist Republic of Romania is carrying out ETHNOCIDE in Transylvania their scholars are preaching Daco-Roman legends on U.S. campuses, as cultural exchange. Let us take a few excerpts from a review of a biography of the Transylvanian-born postwar Romanian minister­­president Petru Groza, which they have forgotten to mention. Groza said: “The Antonescus (who headed the Romanian Iron Guard during World War II.) were lying to the Romanian people about the big Dacian empire.” On another claim that they “are the vanguard of Roman civiliza­tion” Groza said “We, vanguard of the Roman civilization? We who behead the Transylvanian Hungarians with axes (a reference to cruel Ro­manian atricities in Transylvania)... and attempt to assasinate the vice-president in the main hotel of the capital, ten steps away from the king’s (Continued on pg. 3)

