Szemészet, 2000 (137. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)

2000-12-01 / 4. szám

Szemészet 244 Imre-Blaskovics 2000. évi emlékérem és kitüntetés átadása A Magyar Szemorvostáraság Millenniumi Kongresszusán 2000. augusztus 25-én Imre-Blaskovics emlékérem kitüntetésben részesültek életművük elismeréseként Prof. emer. Kahán Ágost, a Szegedi Szemészeti Klinika volt igazgatója és dr. Alpár János, az Amarillói Szent Lukács Szemészeti Intézet vezetője. Mindkettőjük életművéhez gratulálunk és még hosszú sikeres éveket kívánunk, jó egészségben. Dr. Alpár János levelének másolatát itt közöljük. ‘SAINT LUKEk September 5, 2000 ■ITh Jsi Presidency of the Hungarian Ophthalmological Society HUNGARY \ EYE INSTITUTE | AMARILLO. TEXAS Dear Colleagues: I cannot find adequate words to express my deep appreciation for awarding me the “Year 2000 Blaskovics-Imre” medal. OPHTHALMOLOGY John J. Alpar, M.D., F.A.C.S.. F.I.C.S., P.A. Diplomate. American Board of Ophthalmology Diplomate, Hungarian Board of Ophthalmology Fellow, American Academy of Ophthalmology Clinical Professor. Texas Tech School of Medicine A special point of this award was, which I foolishly forgot to mention (but if possible, I would like to put it somewhere in a permanent record) that I believe this was the first time in the history of this Society that a teacher and his pupil received the same award at the same time. (I didn’t even mention Prof. Kahan or László Remenár, who were also among my most important teachers. When you are under an emotional strain, sometimes you forget very important things.) OPTOMETRY Andrew J. Alpar, O.D., F.A.A.O. Fellow. American Academy of Optometry As I mentioned in my short remark, my first influence came from Dr. Huber, who was Chief of Ophthalmic Service in Sopron and whom I had known since I was a little boy. Dr. Huber was an assistant to Prof. Blaskovics. Candace Lipshy, O.D. I started my professional career under Prof Horay and István Gross, who were of course from the Gross School. Then I served under Prof. Radnót from the Imre School. I went back to Dr. Huber in Sopron for several months and then I went to Miskolc to Dr. Peláthy, a Blaskovics pupil. While in the military I served under Dr. Fazakas (another Blaskovics pupil), then under Prof. Kukán (an Imre student), and of course, Prof. Kahan and Dr. Remenar. I took my Board examination with Prof. Kettesy, one of the greatest Blaskovics students. I never expected this great honor, which I didn’t quite deserve, but I deeply appreciate. I wish you all God’s blessings and many, many more successful years. On to the next millennium and, if some of you feel old for that, then on to the next century. Sincerely iburs, ifi* ) i " n V John J. Álpar, M.D., F.A.C.S. 5311 W.9TH AMARILLO, TEXAS 79106-4161 806/359-EYES (3937) FAX 806/359-8124 E-MAIL: JJA:kl Transcribed 9-7-00 HÍREK

