Szabad Kapacitás, 1992 (4. évfolyam, 1-10. szám)
1992 / 1. szám (angol)
Newsletter Magyar Polgári Párt-Hungarian Civic Party 1/92 A new party in the European liberal area Dear liberal friends, On 18 November 1989, one day after the destroying of the demonstration of students in Prague, the Independent Hungarian Initiative (Független Magyar Kezdeményezés - FMK) was established in Sala (Vágsellye). It was the first legitim political organisation of the Hungariian minority in Czechoslovakia since 1939. It was found by a group of intellectuals, but within some days it became a national movement. The FMK was the first political subject in Slovakia to declare the necessity of change of the political and economic regime, and it contributed by its activities significantly to the realization of this change. The existence of the FMK proved that the Hungarian minority citizens are able to practise a mature policy on national level. The FMK produced a number of respectful, learned politicians, being able to contribute to the changes in Czechoslovakia. The FMK enforced since the beginning the spirit of liberal-ism and humanism in the politics, based on the ideas of the freedom of the individual, tolerance and solidarity. After two years, the political movement framework turned to be too narrow to provide an e ffective policy. This is why the FMK reformed itss^df on its 8th Congress on 25 January 1992 in Dunajská Streda (Dunaszerdahely) to a regular political party, under the name Hungariian Civic Party (Magyar Polgári Párt - MPP). The MPP is the successor to the FMK and is a follower of its mind. Being now a party, there is a number of tasks in front of us: stmgthening of our party organisation structure, improving of our presence in local councils, striving for liberal and d+mocratic ways of ethnic conflict resoulutions in Slovakia etc. We would like also to strengthen the ties with our liberal partners abroad. In order to be in closer contact with our partners, we decided to issue and distribute an English language Newsletter. In this first number we will inform you about the history and basic principles of our party. Looking forward to further contacts and cooperation László Nagy, Chairman