B. Papp szerk.: Studia Botanica Hungarica 35. 2004 (Budapest, 2004)

Erzberger, Peter; Papp, Beáta: Annotated checklist of Hungarian bryophytes

Bryum imbricatum (Schwägr.) Bruch et Schimp. [Bryum inclinatum (Brid.) Blandow, nom. illeg., horn. post.). - BOROS (1968) includes var. otoeides Podp., var. laubacense (Roth) Podp., var. hageni (Limpr.) Podp. (= B. hagenii Limpr., now included in the synonymy of B. imbricatum), subsp. borosii Podp. ined.; infraspecific taxonomy controversial (KOPERSKI et al. 2000). Bryum intermedium (Brid.) Blandow Bryum klinggraeffii Schimp. - reported by DULL (1985). Published records in PAPP and RAJCZY (1999) and PAPP and ERZBERGER (2000). Bryum laevifilum Syed (Bryumflaccidum Brid.). - taxonomy according to HODGETTS (2001 ): This taxon has been called (probably incorrectly) B. flaccidum Brid. (also as variety of B. capillare) and B. subelegans Kindb., but the latter is a different species not yet recorded from Hungary; see also ZANTEN 1999a. Bryum mildeanum Jur. (Bryum alpinum var. mildeanum (Jur.) Podp.). - in BOROS (1968), ORBÁN and VAJDA (1983) as var. mildeanum (Jur.) Podp. under B. alpinum. Bryum neodamense Itzigs. ex Müll. Hal. Bryum pallens Sw. Bryum pallescens Schleich, ex Schwägr. (Bryum cirrhatum Hoppe et Hornsch.). - In BOROS (1968), ORBÁN and VAJDA (1983) B. pallescens and B. cirrhatum are treated as two separate taxa; BOROS (1968) includes under B. cirrhatum var. praecox Warnst., var.fuscum (Lindb.) Podp. (= B. fuscum Lindb.; this taxon is placed into synonymy with B. intermedium according to KOPERSKI et al. (2000)) and var. affine (Bruch) Podp. (syn. B. creberrimuml); the delimitation of taxa is not clear and herbarium revision desirable. Bryumpseudotriquetrum (Hedw.) P. Gaertn., B. Mey. et Scherb. (Bryum ventricosum Relhan, nom. illeg., nom. superfl.). - var. pseudotriquetrum and var. biinum (Schreb.) Lilj., treated as variet­ies in BOROS (1968), but as separate species in ORBÁN and VAJDA (1983). Bryum radiculosum Brid. (Bryum murale Wilson ex Hunt) Bryum rubens Mitt. - a widespread species in Hungary, (to our knowledge) first collection in Hungary: SZO Comit. Győr-Sopron, in lapicida ad fontem Deákkut supra opp. Sopron, 29.10.1977, leg. et det. I. Galambos; further references JAKAB (1997), ZANTEN (1999a), PAPP and RAJCZY (1999, 2000). Bryum ruderale Crundw. et Nyholm. - reported in ORBÁN and VAJDA (1983) as species, in BOROS (1968) as segregate under B. erythrocarpum Schwägr.; BOROS (1968) quotes the specimen from Hungary revised by CRUNDWELL and NYHOLM (1964). Other published records in PAPP and RAJCZY (1999). Bryum schleichen DC. - in BOROS (1968) as subspecies of B. turbinatum; known from a sin­gle locality (Specimen: BP 117254 Comit. Borsod. In turfosis rivi Disznóspatak prope Jávorkút. 05.10.1952, leg, Á. Boros), all other specimens from the localities listed in BOROS (1968), ORBÁN and VAJDA (1983) were revised to B. pseudotriquetrum (B. Papp, unpubl.). Bryum stirtonii Schimp. - ORBÁN and VAJDA (1983) Appendix. Bryum torquescens Bruch et Schimp. - in BOROS (1968) as subspecies of B. capillare; ZANTEN (1999a). Bryum turbinatum (Hedw.) Turner. - BOROS (1968) includes subsp. stephani Podp. Bryum uliginosum (Brid.) Bruch et Schimp. (Bryum cernuum Lindb.). - BOROS (1968) in­cludes Bryum danubiale Podp. ined.; no specimen could be located in BP and EGR. Bryum versicolor A. Braun ex Bruch et Schimp. - 1 locality in BOROS (1968), omitted in ORBÁN and VAJDA (1983), reported in DULL (1984); no specimen could be located in BP and EGR. Bryum violaceum Crundw. et Nyholm. - ZANTEN (1999a), PAPP and RAJCZY (1999).

