B. Papp szerk.: Studia Botanica Hungarica 35. 2004 (Budapest, 2004)

Erzberger, Peter; Papp, Beáta: Annotated checklist of Hungarian bryophytes

MUSCI Aloina bifrons (De Not.) Delgad. - Missing in BOROS (1968), ORBÁN and VAJDA (1983), re­ports in DULL (1984, 1992) are based on an erroneous information from Orbán. Aloina obliquifolia (Müll. Hal.) Broth. - see note under A. rigida. *Anoectangium aestivum (Hedw.) Mitt. - The report in ORBÁN and VAJDA (1983) (Appen­dix) is based on a single specimen, which was revised to Hymenostylium recurvirostrum (B. Papp, unpubl.). Specimen: BP 160192. Comit. Borsod. Lillafüred. Ad margines sylvarum. 10.03.1978. leg. L. Vajda. Brachythecium starkei (Brid.) Schimp. - excluded in BOROS (1968), omitted in ORBÁN and VAJDA (1983). *Bryum veronense De Not. - in BOROS ( 1968) as subspecies of B. argenteum; see also ORBÁN and VAJDA (1983), VAJDA (1966b), VAJDA and ORBÁN (1975); the specimens (BP 118573 and BP 57956: Comit. Nógrád. In rupibus irrigatis rivi Rózsapatak prope Királyháza, montes Börzsöny. 03.02.1957, leg. L. Vajda) were revised to B. argenteum (B. Papp, unpubl.). Calliergon sarmentosum (Wahlenb.) Kindb. (Warnstorfia sarmentosa (Wahlenb.) Hedenäs). - erroneously reported in HEDENÄS (2003) for Hungary; the specimen on which this report is based was collected in present-day Slovakia (Hedenäs, pers. comm.), and no other report is known. *Coscinodon cribrosus (Hedw.) Spruce. - first published by VAJDA (1966a), this record is listed in BOROS (1968), ORBÁN and VAJDA (1983); however, the specimens (BP 71290 and BP 111088 Comit. Veszprém. In rupibus siccis pr. pag. Salföld, 12.05.1956, leg. L. Vajda) were revised to Grimmia trichophylla (B. Papp, unpubl.). *Dichodontium flavescens (Dicks.) Lindb. (Dichodontium pellucidum var. flavescens (Dicks.) Moore). - Taxonomy according to WERNER (2002); no D. flavescens could be found during revision of all specimens of D. pellucidum in BP (Erzberger, unpubl.). Until specimens are located, D. flavescens must be considered absent from the Hungarian bryoflora. Dicranella palustris (Dicks.) Crundw. ex E. F. Warb. - erroneously reported by DULL ( 1984). Didymodon fallax var. adriatica (Baumgartner) Dull. - The record of Latzel (as Barbula adriatica Baumgartner) is rejected by BOROS (1968); but Latzel's record is repeated in PODPERA (1954), DULL (1984, 1992). Dull (pers. comm.) considers the variety to be presumably without taxo­nomic value. Didymodon icmadophilus (Müll. Hal.) K. Saito. - erroneously reported by DULL (1984). ^Drepanocladus revolvens (anon.) Warnst. - see note under D. cossonii; not reported for Hun­gary according to HEDENÄS (2003). *Entodon concinnus (De Not.) Paris (Entodon orthocarpus (Brid.) Lindb.; Cylindrothecium concinnatum (De Not.) Schimp.). - All specimens that could be located in BP (1 specimen), EGR, SZO (4 specimens, Piers-herb.) belong to different species e.g. Pleurozium schreberi or Colliergonella cuspidata. These specimens refer to records from Kőszeg Mts; according to BOROS (1968), ORBÁN and VAJDA (1983) all other records are doubtful. Fissidens kosaninii Latzel. - reported in BOROS (1968), VAJDA (1958), missing in ORBÁN and VAJDA (1983), because the material has been revised to F. exiguus (VAJDA 1975). *Fissidens osmundoides Hedw. - The only report in ORBÁN and VAJDA (1983) (Appendix) is based on a single specimen, which has been revised to Fissidens taxifolius (B. Papp, unpubl.). Speci­men: BP 160761. Comit. Somogy, in salicetis ad margines fluvii Dráva prope pag. Drávatamási. 21.04.1979. Leg. I. Galambos, det. L. Vajda sub Fissidens osmundoides Hedw. *Grimmia donniana Sm. - MUNOZ and PANDO (2000) quote a Hungarian specimen from BP (L. Vajda s.n.). In MUNOZ (1998b), p. 381, probably the same specimen is quoted in more detail:

