B. Papp szerk.: Studia Botanica Hungarica 34. 2003 (Budapest, 2003)

Tóth, Sándor: Ascomycetes from the bequest of J. Bánhegyi

Erysiphepolygoni DC. - 11488. Polygonum lapathifolium L., Balatonföldvár, 13.9.1952. Eiitryblidiella sabina (de Not.) Höhn. - 11613. Juniperus communis L., near Csévharaszt, 10.3.1961 (spores 31.5-33.8 x 17.3-18 pm). Gcopyxis carbonaria (Alb. et Schw.) Sacc. - 12057. On burnt sod, between mt. Lóhavas and mt. Cofránka-kő nearGyergyószentmiklós (Transylvania), 28.6.1943 (rev., spores 14.2-17.3 x 7.5-9 pm). Gyromitra gigas (Krombh.) Cooke - 11232. On soil, at the foot of mt. Fekete-Hagymás near Gyergyószentmiklós, 28.6.1943. (rev., spores 28.5-30.8 x 11.7-13.5 pm). 'Helotium sabranskyanum (Bäuml.) Bánh." - 10978, 11050. On wet soil, near Julianna-major: Budapest, 7.11.1954 (rev., spores 16.5-18 x 4.2-4.5 pm; cf. Bánhegyi in Borbásia 1/3-7: 83-84, 1939). - 10979. Hűvösvölgy: Budapest, 1.10.1939 (rev). - 11672. ml. Irány-hegy near Kőszeg, 14.8.1941. (rev., spores 12-15 x 3.8-5.3 pm). Helvella epihippium Lev. - 11049. On soil, Kamara-erdő, 4.6.1939. - 11654. Fáni-völgy, Vérteskozma, 17.8.1940. (rev.). Helvella elastica Bull. - 11015. On soil, in woods Vadaskert by Hűvös-völgy (Budapest), 17.10.1937. Helvella fusca Gill. - 10973. On soil, Hűvös-völgy, 22.10.1937. Helvella lacunosa Afz. - 1 1595. On soil, valley Tárta-völgy by Kőszeg, 9.9.1938. - 1 1608. In woods Nádasdi-erdő near the town of Kaposvár, 13.6.1936. Helvella leucopus Pers. - 11456. On sandy soil, near Csévharaszt, 14.5.1963 (rev.). Humaria hemisphaerica (Wigg.) Fuck. - 10970. On soil, mt. Csillebérc by Budapest, 5.9.1937. - 10993. On burnt soil, valley Sárkánylyuk-völgy near Vérteskozma, 5.7.1940 (rev., typus of "Lachnea hemisphaerica (Wigg.) Gill. var. carbonaria Bánhegyi", cf. Bánhegyi in Math. Természettud. Ért. 59: 600, 1940). - 11022/a. On dead wood, near Csévharaszt, 10.10.1963 (rev.). ­1 1024. On soil, mt. Pisznice near the village of Lábatlan, 24.6.1951 (rev.). - 1 1031. On bare soil in woods, near the village of Alsópetény, 10.7.1948. - 11043. On soil, Hűvös-völgy, 1.10.1939 (rev.). ­11047. On soil, valley Mária-szakadék near the village of Szár-újtelep, 17.7.1938 (rev.). - 11404. On burnt soil, Zarany-erdő near Kaposvár, 2.10.1937. - 11433. On soil, in Betula-woods by the village of Oranki near the city of Gorkiy (olim Nizhniy Novgorod, USSR), 2.8.1945 (rev.). - 11457. On burnt soil amongst Musci in woods, Sárkánylyuk-völgy, 5.7.1940. - 11649. On rotting bark, in woods Zarany-erdő, 2.10.1937 (rev.) - 11650. On burnt soil, Sárkánylyuk-völgy, 5.7.1940 (rev.). ­11666, 11674. On soil, Fáni-völgy, 17.8.1940. - 11671. On soil, near the village of Kaposszentjakab, 14.8.1938 (rev.). Hymenoscyphus fructigenus (Bull.) Gray - 11000. On fallen acorns of Quercus sp., near Csévharaszt, 21.8.1963. - 11035. On cupules and acorns of Quercus sp., near Csévharaszt, 10.10. 1963 (rev.). - 11664. On fallen fruits of CarpinusbetulusL., Fáni-völgy, 15.10.1939 (rev.). - 11665. On fallen acorns of Quercus sp., Fáni-völgy, 17.8.1940 (rev.). Hymenoscyphus serotinus (Pers.) Phill. - 10962. On dead twigs, Fáni-völgy, 15.10.1939 (rev.). Hypoxylon fuscum (Pers.) Fr. - 10996. On dead twigs of Corylus avellana L., in valley of the stream Keskenybükki-patak near the village of Magyarkút, 7.9.1952. Lamprospora crec'hqueraultii (Cr.) Boud. var. maeracantha Boud. - 11224. On soil shore of the lake Balaton near the town of Keszthely, 5.8.1943 (spores globose, 22.5-24 pm diameter, orna­mented with spines cca 5 pm long). Leotia lubrica (Scop.) Pers. - 11237. On soil in woods of Fagus sylvatica L., mt. Irány-hegy, 8.9.1938 (rev.). - 1 1454. On soil in woods of Fagus, Tárta-völgy, 9.9.1938. - 11658. On soil, valley Király-völgy near Kőszeg, 10.9.1938. Lophoclermium pinastri (Schrad.) Chev. - 11028. On needles of Pinns nigra Am., mt. János­hegy (Budapest), 24.10.1937.

