L. Hably szerk.: Studia Botanica Hungarica 23. 1992 (Budapest, 1992)

Szujkó-Lacza, Júlia: In memoriam Ferenc Radics (1910-1989)

published by GOMBOCZ (1945). KITAIBEL's heritage was preserved in the herbarium and looked after by JÁVORKA from 1926 to 1936. JAVORKA (1957) wrote the most authentic biography of KITAIBEL. The manuscripts of KITAIBEL included unpublished journal papers and correspondence. The diary was written by hand, often by small letters, and using a mixture of German and Latin languages. In many cases KITAIBEL's diary is the first source of botanical, zoological, agricultural, mineralogical, architectural and agrohistorical data (e. g. about Mezőhegyes and Mosonmagyaróvár) as well as the description of the distribution of population of towns and villages by religion and nationalities. In some cases KITAIBEL also provided sketch maps. KITAIBEEs diary together with his herbarium is a valuable source for not only the botanists and zoologist but also many other disciplines dealing with the Hungarian land and people. RADICS spent many months interpreting KITAIBEEs handwritten diary and managed to transcribe and arrange this voluminous material chronologically, following the route of KITAIBEEs journeys. This work took him almost seven years. Perhaps the greatest achievement of RADICS is that KITAIBEEs diary is now ready to publish. With the death of Ferenc RADICS we lost a dedicated botanist always ready to help and share his knowledge with his students and colleagues. PUBLICATIONS OF F. RADICS RADICS, F. (1955a): A természetrajz tanítása a Horthy-korszakban. I. - Budapesti Ateve/tfl: 31-34. -- (1955b): A természetrajz tanítása a Horthy-korszakban. II. - Budapesti Neve­lő I: 38-43. - (1958): Hazafias nevelés a biológiai oktatásban. - A Fővárosi Pedagógiai Sze­minárium Kiadványa, pp. 153-171 (mscr.). - (1967): A Revision of the Nymphaea Material in Hungarian Natural History Museum. - Annls hisu-naL Mus. natn. hung. 59: 135-145. - (1967): (with MARTINOVSKY, J. O.) Bemerkungen über die Phytogeogra­phie und Ökologie der in Ungarn vorkommenden Stipa-Arten XV. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der europäischen Federgräser. - Fragm. bot. 5: 23-68. - (1968): Adatok néhány hazai Nymphaea ismeretéhez. (Angaben zur Kennt­nis einiger einheimischen Nymphaeen-Arten.) - Fragm, bot 6: 67-84. ~ (1973): A nyírhibrid-kutatás története. (Investigational history of birch­hybrids.) - Studia bot. hung. 8: 99-110. - (1975): Statistical comparison of the angles of main ribs in the leaves and leaf remnants of Platanus acerifolia (Ait.) Willd. and Platanus aceroides (Goepp.) Heer (Fossil). -ActaAgr. Acad, Sei Hung. 24(1-2): 221-233. - (1975): Emlékezés Borbás Vincére (1844-1905) halálának 70. évfordulóján. (On the 70th anniversary of Vincent Borbás's death (1844-1905).) - Studia bot. hung. 10: 1-15.

