L. Hably szerk.: Studia Botanica Hungarica 19. 1986 (Budapest, 1986)

Szujkó-Lacza, Júlia: In memoriam Zsuzsanna Páricsy-Komáromy (1942-1985). Editor of the Studia Botanica Hungarica between 1977-1984

STUDIA BOTANICA HUNGARICA (Antea: Fragmenta Botanica) XIX. 1986 p. 5-6 In memóriám Zsuzsanna Páricsy-Komáromy (1942—1985) Editor of the Studia Botanica Hungarica between 1977—1984 By J. SZUJKÓ-LACZA (Received November 30, 1985) During her editorial activity the title of this periodica was changed from Fragmenta Botanica to Studia Botanica Hungarica, and the number of sheets increased. The size of the Stud. bot. hung, was altered to bring it into line with the other periodicals of the Hungarian Natural History Museum. ZSUZSANNA BUNKE designed a new cover for this periodical at KOMÄROMY' s request. She edited all the articles in Stud. bot. hung, with a critical eye and gave the authors considerable friendly assistance. She put her experience of editorial work to good use as technical co-editor in the Flora of the Hortobágy National Park (HNP) in the third volume of the Natural History of the Hungarian National Parks. P. -KOMÁROMY also contributed as soil-algal specialist (KOMÁROMY 1982) to the Flora of the HNP. She always strove to keep abreast of the latest developments in her special field; she was the first in the world to apply statistical methods to soil algology in scientific determination based on experimental and objective methods ÍKOMÁROMY 1969a, b, 1974, 1975a, b, 1976, 1978a, b, 1982). Her study of soil alga life-cycles and developmental studies on different alga species made an important contribution to the clarification of numerous taxonomical problems in this field. The use of pesticides in agriculture has resulted in the operation of new mechanism in the soil. The effects of pesticides were measured by experiments involving different chemical elements and also various soil types. Another indirect "pollution" problem arises in caves near lamp areas. She was working on this question at the time of her death. With her sensitive approach, she found the appropriate methods for dealing with complete sci­entific methods and had an exceptional ability for co-working with other specialists (see in KOMÁ­ROMY & KECSKÉS 1976, 1984, 1985, KOMÁROMY & PADISÁK & RAJCZY 1985, PADISÁK et al. 1985, RAJCZY et al. 1985a, b). She was founder of the living soil-alga collection in the Botanical Department, a pioneering venture in the Museum. Her scientific activity dealt with the comparative algological analysis of forest and alkali soils, based on this collection. From 1977 she was the assistant head of the Botanical Department and she was active in this area too. Her greatest ambi­tion was to find the objective truth, an aspiration that coincided with her humanitarian nature. She directed and organized the professional circle for botanical staff members in the Museum for many years, as assistant head. I lost in her not only a good co-worker, but also a very close friend who could brighten even the most difficult times with a smile and a few cheerful words. Her intellect will be sadly missed in the scientific field and especially in the Botanical Department. Her fears - if she had any - did not prevent her from carrying out her work with exceptional thorougness and showing interest in the problems of her environment. Those of us who'were close to her watched with growing concern as she grew feebler but still strove to meet her obligations. She died of a long, tormenting illness, but mastered her fer right up to the end, she worked cheerfully, with unbelievable willpower. Her two children, Ági and Laci, and her husband helped her in every way they coul ' to ease her suffering. i

