Zs. P. Komáromy szerk.: Studia Botanica Hungarica 16. 1982 (Budapest, 1982)

Babos, Margit: Mycological examination of sawdust depots in Hungary II.

olivaceous-green coloured end-cells. The end-cells 80-210 x 12.4-20 jum; fusiform (apex 4.7-9.3 jam) or elongated clavate; with clamp connections. Habitat: Deciduous forest, decaying wood (on mixture of bark and sawdust). Pluteus nigroviridis is similar to P. atricapillus. Both species have a fibrillose stipe at full length. But they can be distinguished on the basis of their colour easily. Comparing P. nigroviridis to the greenish (bluish green and greyish green) coloured taxa of Section Trichoderma Subsection Cervini it was unidentical. Pluteus salicinus (Pers. ex Fr.) Kummer occurs in Europe and North America, has a lighter colour, the pileus is grey or greyish­greenish, bluish-greyish. The stipe is nearly white or slightly greyish-greenish-bluish shade of colour. The dimensions of the spores are 7-8.5 x 5-6 jura by MOSER (1978); 8-10 x 6-7 jum by ROMAGNESI (1961). It has C-type metuloid. The presence of clamp connection is an important feature for identification. By SINGER (1956): "Hyphae with clamp connections", and the connection can be seen well in the figure published by KONRAD & MAUBLANC (1925). ROMAGNESI (1961) stated that hyphae are "non bouclées", LANGE (1936) left this feature out of consideration. Pluteus glaucus Singer (1961) occurring in Nothofagus forests of South America and P . glau­cus var. chilensis Horak (1964) have a greenish-bluish-grey-patina colour. Edges of lamellae are greenish-bluish. These colours can be seen on the stipe as well, but it is partly fibrillose or naked (SINGER: "in lower part fibrillose sagebrush ( Artemisia ) colour on pallid white ground, at apex white and glabrous", HORAK: "weisslich mit patinagrünlichem Reflekt, glatt und ohne Langsfasern" .). Hyphae are with clamp connections. The crown of metuloids differs from that of the European species. Collybia distorta (Fr.) Quel. var, amara Babos var.n. (Fig. 1) A typo differt: Cutis pilei amara. Margo pilei juvenilis albide pruinosus-plumescens. Stipes plerumque valde alte sulcatus, costatus. Habit.: in silva frondosa, ad lignum putridum (ad cumulum corticem et scobi admixti). Typus: 65.572 in Herbario Musei Hist.-nat.Hung. , Budapest. Loc.: Uzsa (com. Veszprém), Hungária, 21 Oct. 1978, leg.: Babos - Friesz - Kustos. Further herbarial data: same locality, 30 Oct. 1978, leg.: Babos - Bohus - Kustos - Rimó ­czi; 16 Sept. 1979, leg.: Babos; 31 July, 1980, leg.: Babos. Pileus 3-6 cm in diameter (it is also 1.8-8 cm collected in other date); obtusely umbonate­convex, flattened, at the margin often irregular; reddish-brown, brownish-red, later on more or less pale coloured, but it may be flesh-colour or yellowish flesh-colour as well; here and there also with rusty spots; when young white bloomy-pubescent; margin involute. Lamellae crowded; sinuate - with a teeth decurrent; up to 4 mm deep; edge serrated; white, cream-colour, on the adult specimens also with reddish-brown spots; chemical reaction: with FeS0 4 turning to red colour slowly. Stipe 4-7 x 0.5-2 cm (in the case of specimens collected in subsequent date even 11.5 cm long): the shape variable, often sharpened but also evenly thick or downward thicker or clavate (Fig. 1); white, whitish, sometimes with a reddish-brownish shade; mostly sharp- and deep sulcate; often twisted; at the base often with white cord-like mycelium. Flesh whitish, sharply fibrous in the stipe; later hollow. Smell is not characteristic. Taste in cuticle is bitter. Sporenpulver with a pale cream-coloured tinge. The characteristic features of the spores are identical with that of C. distorta (Fr.) Quel. ss. Fries (1838, non 1867). J. LANGE, KÜHNER & ROMAGNESI, MOSER: subglobose-globose, smooth; 3.9-4.4 x 3.2-3.9jum. Basidia: 15.6-17 x 5.4-6.2 jam; four-spored. Habitat: Deciduous forest, decaying wood (on mixture of bark and sawdust) in groups or solitary. The characteristics of the majority of the collected specimens corresponds to the photo (No. 1037) of Collybia fodiens published by CETTO (1979) and to CETTO' s description concerning to the external appearance of the mushroom. But some of the specimens are like to C. distorta in CETTO (1976, No. 547). The sharp-sulcate stipe and the white bloom or pubescence at the margin of the pileus are characteristic of C. fodiens . Because of its bitter taste of the cuticle we could consider it C. fodiens. Although, KALCHBRENNER (1877) did not mention the bitter taste of the mushroom in his description but CETTO (1979) wrote about this characteristic as follows: "Wert: essbar, aber eher bitter". While he did not regard to flesh of the C. fodiens as a bitter one

