J. Újhelyi szerk.: Fragmenta Botanica 2. 1962. (Budapest, 1962)

Tóth, Sándor: Data for the Knowledge of Microscopic Fungi in Hungary IV.

FRAGMENTA BOTANICA MUSEI HISTORtCO-NATURALlS HUNGARICI Fasc. 1-4 1962 Tom. II. Data for the Knowledge of Microscopic Fungi in Hungary IV. by Sándor Tóth Botanical Department of the Hungarian Natural History Museum Budapest In earlier articles, entitled likewise: „Adatok Magyar­ország mikroszkopikus gombáinak ismeretéhez" /Data for the Knowledge of Microscopic Fungi in Hungary/ - I reported my data referring to the Myxomycetes and V a 1­s a c e a e - sensu lato /I.s Bot. Közi., 45,1954,241-246/, as well as to the Srysiphaceae and Uredi­n a 1 e s /II.: ibid . 47,1957,55-61/,further to the S p h a e­ropsidales /III.: ibid .43,1959,41-47/.On account of their length I am presenting in this paper summaries in alphabetical order only with the most important comments on 162 data of mine referring to 90 species which all belong to the very interesting group of Discomycetes. The material serving for the data were determined and for the moat part even collected by myself.The material is deposited in the Herbarium of the Botanical Department of the Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest. Apart from a few exceptions in the nomenclature I followed R.W.G. DENNIS /1960/, whose works however were of great assistance to me even at the determination of the fungi. The references at the end of the paper are not complete, they include only the more important and used literature .

