Sárospataki Füzetek 16. (2012)

2012 / 1. szám - TANULMÁNYOK - Győri István: Páska vagy húsvét - szempontok a pascha szó újszövetségi fordításához

GYŐRI ISTVÁN Abstract Pascha or Easter - Points of view forthe Translation of the Word pascha in the New Testament The actuality of the theme is given by the fact that a revision of the Hungarian Pro­testant Bible translation is on its way. The author of this article deals with the translation of the Greek word pascha. First, it is discussed how among the early Christians the commemoration of the resurrection of Christ developed into a weekly celebration, and later into the annual Easter feast. The text of the New Testament continues the tradition of the Septuagint by in­dicating with the word pascha the Passover festival, the Passover supper, as well as the Passover lamb that was slaughtered for the festival. Later on, the Christians used this notion in a metaphorical way also for Jesus’ suffering and death. There­fore, when translating, it is often difficult to decide what the actual meaning of the word is. The second part of the article lists all the New Testament occurrences of the word pascha, and proposes concrete recommendations for the possible correction of the presently used new translation. 16 Sárospataki Füzetek 2012/1

