Szabadalmi Közlöny és Védjegyértesítő mutatói, 1990

2 Tartalomjegyzék Contents I. Laws and decrees published in 1990 on legal protection of industrial property relating to Hungary and abroad and regulations concerning these acts...................................... 5 II. Official communiqués published in relation of problems of legal protection of industrial property........................................................... 6 III. Guides and surveys relating to internati­onal affaires ................................................... 7 IV. Author’s studies, essays and analyses ... 8 V. Information and surveys about innovator’s mouvement ..................................................... 10 VI. Problems of documentation of legal protection of industrial property................... 11 VII. Diverse informations and surveys......... 12 VIII. Patent publications............................... 13 IX. Publication date of patents granted in 1990 according to the Register of Patents ... 15 X. Registration numbers of patents printed in 1990 17 XI. List of concordance................................. 20 XII. Lists of inventors’ and/or applicants’ names of published patent specifications and granted patents............................................... 97 XIII. Subject index of published patent app­lications according to International Patent Classification................................................... 259 XIV. Subject index of granted patents accor­ding to International Patent Classification . . 332 XV. Trademark publications.......................... 388 XVI. Statistics about trademarks announced in 1990.............................................................. 389 XVII. International classification containing goods and services utilized in relation of trademarks....................................................... 390 XVIII. Classification of figures serving for recording of trademarks with figures............ 391 XIX. List of trademarks announced in 1990. 392 XX. List of applicants of trademarks anno­unced in 1990................'................................. 408 XXI. Arrangement of trademarks announced in 1990 according to their goods lists (according to international classification) ... 417 XXII. List of trademarks announced in 1990 according to their word marks (trademarks consisting of words or combined of words and figures).............................................................. 429 XXIII. Protection of industrial designs....... 435 XXIV. List of industrial designs announced in 1990.............................................................. 436 XXV. List of owners’ names of industrial designs registered in 1990............................... 441

