Rédey Judit: Hideg nyalat és spanyol tekercs. A fagylalt, a jégkrém és a parfé története (Budapest, 2007)

Tea Ice Cream Ingredients: 4 eggs, ¥2 liter cream, 330 g sugar, 30 g good tea. Pour them all together in a pot, boil them up with continuous mixing, and then cool the mixture. The mass should be filtered through a sieve into the freezing casket, then frozen. Butter ice cream Ingredient s: 10 eggyolks, ¥2 liter water, 500 g sweet butter, sugar. Beat the egg yolks in a pot until it is frothy or foamy, slowly add l âiter water, which has peels of one lemon or orange (grated on sugar). Boil the butter continuously, cool it down again, and sweeten it with the sugar boiled up to a first degree. (You can lend a special taste to this ice cream with a touch of cinnamon.) The variety of ice creams is virtually endless. Let us close our selection of recipes by a specialty which anyone can make today at home; fried ice cream, which is better known by its French name internationally: Omelette surprise Heap a lot oj ice cream (of the creamy type) on wet rusk. Beat 12 egg whites with sugar until it is solid, and cover the ice cream heap. Make sure nothing is left uncovered! You can add fruits between the ice cream and the foam for added effect. Warm your oven as much as you can, at least to 200 °C, or even warmer. Place the ice cream, ornamented with lines drawn with a jagged knife into the oven, and fry it for a couple of minutes until the eggwhite foam gets a slight brown tinge. THE HISTORY OF REFRIGERATION - in a Nutshell 1748 - William Cullen of Scotland presents the first modern artificial chilling procedure at the University of Glasgow: he evaporates diethyl ether in vacuum. His procedure is not yet applied to practical utilization at the time. 1805 - The American Oliver Evans designs the first refrigerator which operates with vapor / steam instead of a liquid refrigerant. His device was not yet manufactured in an industrial scale - John Gorrie's later model is quite similar, though. 1835 - The American Perkins patents his first ethyl-ether refrigeration machine. 1842 - Another American, John Gorrie, builds a refrigeration device using a refrigerant. His machine is subsequently applied to cooling the air for the yellow fever patients of a Florida hospital. Its basic principle is the same as today's freezing procedures.

