Rédey Judit: Hideg nyalat és spanyol tekercs. A fagylalt, a jégkrém és a parfé története (Budapest, 2007)

Fagylaltos tálkák Ice cream trays sugar, the appearance of modern cooling and freezing machinery all had a favorable effect on the mass consumption of ice cream. Its unprecedented popularity at the same time spread a new way of gastronomy supply along with new consumption habits (such as selling through the street and consumption on the street.) Ice cream was initially served in metal or glass finjans, and it is likely that genuine shells were also used for this purpose. That may be the origin of the shell shape found in many early ice cream server utensils. Later metal, glass and china bowls came into vogue, and ice cream was also sold in so-called Spanish rolls, or wafers (die Waffel = host, gofer in German). We know the first Hungarian record of cornettos from the memoirs of Baron Béla Splényi (1819-1899). Recalling his youth, he says, „...sometimes we sent for luncheon from Fortunaserved by Tarom.... For these inn luncheons, you could choose from the available dishes with the condition of each person not exceeding one Forint... for which we received soup, an assiet (entrée), meat and a dessert meal. We were always very satisfied, and naturally we thought two anchovies with olive and vinegar were sufficient for an entrée, and if you took Eiskörbchen (ice cream) in Spanish rolls for dessert, we had to top the price with some extra from our private funds." This manner of baking wafers indeed came to Hungary from Spain, the wafer was folded into the form of a twist (bag) while still hot.. llalo Marchinoy was already selling his lemon ice cream on the streets of New York City since 1896, but he only patented it later, in September 1903. At the World Expo ol 1904, cone-shaped wafers had already been protected by a patent. Others also came forwards with similar ideas during this exposition. A Syrian confectioner, Ernest Hamwi helped out a colleague who ran out of ice cream server dishes by twisted wafers. The Turkish David Avayou - who opened numerous ice cream parlors in New Jersey Holipnik Waffle sticks

