Rédey Judit: Hideg nyalat és spanyol tekercs. A fagylalt, a jégkrém és a parfé története (Budapest, 2007)

Fagylaltszállító edény a Kugler cukrászdából Container for transporting ice cream - from the Kugler sweet shop March 1848 Revolution." In the summer of 1848, when the House of Representatives held their session at the nearby Redoute Building (today's Vigadó Hall), Fischer's kiosk was a favorite meeting place of Members of Parliament. The majority of MP's started off to sessions from that kiosk, then relaxed after the day's tiring tasks with yet another ice cream. The old building of Pest's Harmincadhivatal stood right next to the kiosk, housing Café Pnvorszky from 1861. Nine years later Henry Kugler's Confection Shop opened in its place. In addition to ice cream, tall white or chocolate cookies (called mignonne in French and German) was the favorite - they were called Kugler for a long time by the inhabitants ol Pest. The Swiss Émile Gerbeaud took over the sweet shop in 1884, which was shortly to acquire international fame, and became a favorite snacking hangout of the aristocracy and the high bourgeoisie. High society also frequented the Ruszwurm sweet shop in the Buda castle, founded by Ferenc Schwabl in 1827. The highest turnover was seen at the year-end holidays and during the time of Shrovetide (German: Fasching): great quantities of ice cream, tarts, doughnuts and potcakes were ordered at such holiday occasions from the Master Sweetmakers. That is where the archdukes and archduchesses, counts and countesses and the royal family ordered their pastry, candies and sweets. Ida Ferency frequently bought breakfast from these places for Queen Erzsébet: iced coffee with potcake, light as summer breeze, with a refined fragrance, and refreshing spearmint rods. The Queen's favorite was violet ice cream. ((13)) Auguszt Sweet Shop between the two world wars, also known as the Gerbeaud of Buda, sold 6-8 flavors of ice cream even in wintertime; and their figure-shaped compositions of frozen custard were also famous: the Horn of Plenty, the Hen Sitting over Eggs, the Basket of Flowers, the Plate of Fruits etc. Samples made from wax made ordering easier for the customers. The Hauer sweet shop on Avenue Rákóczi was famous not only for its Hauer Cream Pie, and its cream cakes decorated with marchpane, but also lor the winter sale of ice cream as well as its figure-shaped frozen custard. A favorite item was the standard portion of frozen custard in chocolate and strawberry flavors, decorated liberally with whipped cream, and served on a silver plate. Hauer was also the first to make iced cream tarts and durable desserts m Hungary. Parfé fotó, Auguszt cukrászda Photograph of frozen custard, Café Auguszt

