Borza Tibor (szerk.): A Magyar Kereskedelmi és Vendéglátóipari Múzeum évkönyve 1976 (Budapest, Magyar Kereskedelmi és Vendéglátóipari Múzeum, 1976)

Almanach Hungarian Museum of Commerce and Catering CONTENTS Tibor Sivó: Preface 13 Miklós Pápa: Establishing of the Commerce Collection 23 Anikó S. Nagy: Commerce in the Carpathian Basin in the Roman Age 35 ILászló Borsos : \ The Architectural Relics of the Retail and the Catering Trades of Buda in the Middle Ages 61 István Szövényi: Inns of Kőszeg in the 17th and 18th Centuries ... 81 Béla Pálmány : Commerce and Catering in Szécsény and surroundings between 1728 and 1848 103 Miklós Lajos Rózsa: Pastry Cooks' and Confectioners' Production in Pest in the 18th Century 125 Mrs. Konrády, Magda Gálos: Pictures from the History of Budapest Hotels at the Time of the Unification of Buda and Pest 159 Margit H. Szűcs: The Former Hungarian Museum of Commerce and its History of Commerce Collection 187 Péter Szántó: The Foreign Travel in Hungary in the Second Half of the 19th Century 213 Imre Gundel: The Collection of Menues in the Catering Trade Museum 251 Mrs. B. Gadanecz: Characteristics of the Catering Trades Union ... 311 Erzsébet Sergő: Old Hungarian Shepherd Cooking in Present Day Hun­garian Catering 333 5

