Endrei Walter szerk.: Textilipari Múzeum Évkönyve 8. 1995 (Budapest, 1995)

dr. Márta Járó: Manufacturing technique of gold threads and their imitations on museum textiles - chronology of the preparation of metal threads. Results of the scientific investigations

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author would like to thank Erzsébet Gondár, senior member of the re­search department of the Richter Gedeon Pharmaceutical Company for the scanning electronmicrographs, Attila Tóth, senior member of the Technical Physical Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences for the microanalyses and Attila Meszlényi for the drawings. This research could not have been carried out without the financial support of the National Scientific Research Found (OTKA 176/91). NOTES AND REFERENCES 1. Old Testament, the 2nd Book of Moses, 39:2 2. Plinius (Gaius Plinius Secundus): História Naturalis, lib. XXIII, cap. XIX. (French edition: Pline l'Ancien: Histoire Naturelle, Texte établi, traduit et commenté par A. Ernout, Paris, Société d'Édition "Les Belles Lettres", 1952) 3. Josephus Flavius: A zsidók története (The history of jews), Budapest, 1983, p. 550 4. Bock, F.: Goldstickereien und Webereien in alter und neuer Zeit und das dazu verwandte Goldgespinnst, Bayerisches Gewerbemuseum in Nürnberg, Nürnberg, 1884, 10-11 5. Plenderleith, E.: The Stole and Maniples a) the Technique, in: Battis­combe, CF.: The Relics of St. Cuthbert - Studies by various Authors, Oxford, 1956, 377-378 6. Andrews-Reath, N.: Velvets of the Renaissance from Europe and Asia Minor, The Burlington Magazine 50, 1927, 298-304 7. Braun-Ronsdorf, M.: Gold and Silver Fabrics from Medieval to Modern Times, Ciba Review, 1961/3, 2-16 8. Schreier, B.A., Bresee, R.R.: History of Decorative Metallic Yarns, Book of Papers, ATC 1979, National Technical Conference, Delaware, 1979, 137-140 9. Barker, A.D.: Gold Lace and Embroidery, Northern Society of Costume and Textiles Publication, G.B.Jarvis Ltd., Altrincham, 1980 10. Higgins, J.P.P.: A history of metallized textiles, The lurex Company Limited, London, 1993 11. Falke, Otto von: Kunstgeschichte der Seidenweberei, Berlin, 1921 12. Flemming, E.: Textile Künste, Berlin, 1923 13. Weibel, A.: Two Thousand Years of Textiles, New York, 1952

