Darvas Lóránt et al. (szerk.): A Csíki Székely Múzeum Évkönyve 5. Régészet, történettudományok (Csíkszereda, 2009)

Művelődéstörténet - Nagy Szilvia: A csíksomlyói iskolai színjátszás és a korabeli iskoladráma

1 425-478 A CSÍKI SZÉKELY MÚZEUM ÉVKÖNYVE 2009 - I. Nagy Szilvia A CSÍKSOMLYÓI ISKOLAI SZÍNJÁTSZÁS ÉS A KORABELI ISKOLADRÁMA Abstract: [School dramas of Csíksomlyó and the contemporary school plays] In this work I analyze the importance and the special role of Franciscan dramas in the Hungarian school plays' literary history. The Franciscan school plays just as the school plays of Csíksomlyó (Hung.; - Rom.: Şumuleu-Ciuc) are worth comparing with the Jesuit and the Piarist dramas or the Conventual Franciscans’ plays. The points of comparison can be the topic of the works, the genre, the terms they used and their eloquence, the characters, the language and the voice of the writers, the authors, the audience, the occasions of performing and many other, certainly. Although the number of Franciscan school plays is overwhelmed by the Jesuit and Piarist plays but their special characteristic features, vernacular form or archaic elements preserved in the plays give extraordinary significance to this branch of dramatics - and the dramas of Csíksomlyó are perfect to observe these aspects. The plays that were written in the 18 century in Csíksomlyó are absolutely variegated: the already known topics are shown in great variety, with amazing attributes, working deep but simple emotions. Rezumat: [Reprezentaţii dramatice în şcoli la Şumuleu-Ciuc şi piesele de teatru pentru şcoală contemporane] Această lucrare examinează locul special ocupat de către reprezentaţiile teatrale franciscane în literatura pieselor de teatru pentru şcoli. Merită să comparăm reprezentaţiile teatrale franciscane, iezuite, piariste şi minorite din punct de vedere al subiectului ales, al genului, limbajului, personajelor, al autorilor, al stilurilor preferate, al spectatorilor şi al momentului reprezentărilor. Cu toate că în privinţa numărului pieselor prezentate, reprezentările iezuite sau piariste au supremaţie necontestată, cele franciscane, manifestate cel mai tranşant în practica dramatică de la Şumuleu-Ciuc (magh.: Csíksomlyó), specifice prin caracteristici, limba maghiară şi elementele arhaice păstrate, sunt de o însemnătate aparte. Policromia generică şi tematică a pieselor dramatice prezentate la Şumuleu Ciuc în secolul al 18-lea este incontestabilă: aceste piese prezintă bine cunoscutul subiect sub cele mai variate forme, prezentând cu gingăşie sentimente elementare şi adânci. 1. A ferences iskolai színjátszás A ferenceseknek az alapítótól hagyott feladata a prédikálás és az Úr dicsőítése. Ehhez a művészet megjelenítő erejére is szükség volt. Már maga Szent Ferenc is életnagyságú betlehemes jászolt állított fel Greccióban. Utóda, Szent Bonaventura szerint a művészet célja a vigasztalás és a dicsőítés; ereje pedig ugyanolyan, mint a Szentírásé vagy a természe- téddg^ödgOTSOző művészeti ágak, a látványos szokások már a kezdetektől fontos szerepet játszottak a rend tevékenységében. A színjátszással a ferencesek - a jezsuitáktól eltérően - elsődlegesen nem didaktikai célokat 1 PINTÉR 1993, 18. 425

