Murányi János szerk.: A Csíki Székely Múzeum Évkönyve 2007-2008. Művelődéstörténet (Csíkszereda, 2008)

MŰVELŐDÉSTÖRTÉNET - DARVAS-KOZMA JÓZSEF: Adalékok a csíksomlyói gimnázium történetéhez. A csíksomlyói ferences kolostor és iskolái

A CSÍKI SZÉKELY MÚZEUM ÉVKÖNYVE 2007-2008 33-98 DARVAS-KOZMA JÓZSEF ADALÉKOK A CSÍKSOMLYÓI GIMNÁZIUM TÖRTÉNETÉHEZ 1 A csíksomlyói ferences kolostor és iskolái Abstract: [Contribution to the History of the Grammar School from Csíksomlyó (Hung.; Rom.: Çumuleu-Ciuc).* The Franciscan Monastery from Csíksomlyó and its Schools] This study throws light on one of the historical "white spot" of Csík Seat, namely on the function of the schools from Csíksomlyó in the 16 th-17 01 centuries. Those who deal with the past of the monasteries and grammar school from Csíksomlyó have suspected until now, on the basis of the discovered signs and references, that beside the monastery, there took place already in the 16 th century a kind of intermediate education. The publication of the letters and reports of the missionaries kept in the ample archives of the Roman Propaganda de Fide have led to certitude. Beside the monkish (convent) school, established in 1448, first time the cardinal Endre Báthory set up for the catholic noble young men a grammar school, which was destroyed after two decades. The instruction of the monks was restarted in 1626, and it was completed by the Franciscan visitor Modestus a Roma, through the reestablishment of the grammar school in April 1649, also for the noble young men, that strengthened as much as it could survive the devastation of the Tartars in 1661. At the beginning of the 20 th century the Roman Catholic Grammar School moved to Csíkszereda. Nowadays its name is Márton Áron and Segítő Mária Lyceum. * The Contribution is the part of the study volume in preparation of the author, titled Csíkország közepén (In the Middle of Csík). Rezumat: [Contribute la istoria gimnaziului din Çumuleu-Ciuc (rom.; magh.: Csíksomlyó).* Mänästirea Franciscanä din Çumuleu-Ciuc si scolile ei] Prezentül studiu lämureste una dintre „petele albe" istorice aie Scaunului Ciuc, si anume functionarea scolilor din Çumuleu-Ciuc în secolele al 16-17-lea. Cei care se ocupà de trecutul mänästirii si gimnaziului din Çumuleu-Ciuc pana acum au presupus, pe baza semnelor si referintelor depistabile, cä lângâ mânâstire a avut loc deja în secolul al 16-lea un fei de instruire la nivel mediu. Publicarea scrisorilor, raporturilor misionarilor pâstrate în arhiva bogatâ a Propaganda de Fide de la Roma a adus în sfârsit certitudine. Pe lângâ scoala câlugâreascâ (convent) înfiintatâ în anul 1448, prima oarâ cardinalul Báthory Endre a înfiintat o scoala medie pentru tinerii nobili catolici, care dupä douä decenii a fost distrusä. Instruirea cälugärilor a fost reînceputa în 1626, fiind completatä de vizitatorul franciscan Modestus a Roma: aceasta a reînfiintat în aprilie Az Adalék részét képezi a szerző Csíkország közepén c. készülő tanulmánykötetének.

