Dr. Szabó Lajos: Nők a magyar sportban (A Sportmúzeum Kincsei 3. Budapest, 2003)

these champions were Krisztina Egerszegi who won five gold medals in swimming and Rita Kőbán who won two gold medals in kayak. In 1992, at the election of the best of the year sportswoman most of the votes were given to Mónika Szeles, born of a Hungarian family in Yugoslavia and living in the U.S. The second was Krisztina Egerszegi, winner of three gold medals in swimming at the Barcelona Games. The most successful "experiment" of the I980-I990's, however, is connected with the name of the Polgár family in chess. The father, László Polgár, consciously prepared his daugh­ters (Zsuzsa, Judit, Zsófia) for championships. With the father's help, the Polgár girls have achieved much success and have won praise all over the world. BIBLIOGRAPHY H. Sas, Judit (1984). Nőies nők és férfias férfiak. Budapest: Akadémiai Siklóssy, László (1929). A magyar sport ezer éve 1-3. Budapest: OTT A nő és a sport (1963) (Levelekiné R.M., ed.) Budapest: TTT Földesiné-Szabó, Gyöngyi (1988). Tévhitek a női sportban. Budapest: TF Közlemények, 1988/3. Polgár, László (1989), Nevelj zsenit! Budapest: Interart

