Haris Andrea szerk.: Koldulórendi építészet a középkori Magyarországon Tanulmányok (Művészettörténet - műemlékvédelem 7. Országos Műemlékvédelmi Hivatal,)
Contents Preface 11 List of Abbreviations 13 Erik Fügedi The Spread of the Mendicant Orders in Europe and in Hungary 15 Géza Entz The Architecture of the Mendicant Orders in Europe 21 Ilona Valter The Research of Monastic Architecture in Hungary 27 Ernő Marosi The Architecture of Mendicant Orders in Mediaeval Hungary 39 Diana Vukicevic - Samarzija Mediaeval Mendicant Churches in Croatia 63 Alán Kralovánszky Mendicant Orders in Székesfehérvár and in the County of Veszprém .... 91 László Vándor The Study of Franciscan Monasteries in Zala County 105 Katalin H. Gyürky Mediaeval Dominican Monasteries in Buda 121 Julianna Altmann The Franciscan Churches and Monasteries of Obuda and Buda Castle . . 137 Herta Bertalan The Convent of the Poor Claires in Obuda 153 György Bartos Comments on the Architectural History of the Franciscan Church and Monastery of Sopron 177 Andrea Haris The Architectural History of the Dominican Monastery of Vasvár 197 Gábor Kárpáti - György SzekérThe Survey of the Franciscan and Dominican Monasteries at Pécs .... 235 Emese Nagy The Observant Franciscan Monastery of Ozora 257