Dr. Balázs Dénes szerk.: Földrajzi Múzeumi Tanulmányok 7. (Magyar Földrajzi Múzeum; Érd, 1989)

ÉRTEKEZÉSEK - Dr. Rónai András: Teleki Géza (1911—1983)

Teleki Géza első előadását tartja a Magyarhoni Földtani Társulatban 1940-ben Európa-szakértő volt több gyűjteményes tudomá­nyos munka szerkesztésében. Tagja volt a következő tudományos egyesületek­nek: Geological Society of America, American Society of Photogrammetry, National Association of Geology Teachers, American Association of Geographers, Académie Internationale des Sciences et des Lettres. Ma fia folytatja az ősi tudós vonalat apjához hűen a geológia tudományában az United States Geolo­gical Survey központjában, Restonban. 1983-ban TELEKI Gézát súlyos, gyógyíthatatlan betegség kényszerítette feleségével együtt a halálba. Nyugat-Virginiában van eltemetve, saját nyaralója parkjában. Idegen föld, nem Erdély földje takarja, ahonnan családja származott, amelyért élt s ame­lyért életét többször is kockára tette. Dr. Rónai András Budapest József nádor tér 9. H-1051 TELEKI GÉZA SZAKIRODALMI MUNKÁSSÁGA 1936: Adatok Liter és környékének sztratigráfiájához és tekto­nikájához — AM. Kir. Földt. Int. Évk. XXXII. 1. 1-60. (MAJZON L.-val) 1940: A városligeti II. számú mélyfúrás. Szent István-forrás - Hidr. Közi. XX. 33-67. 1941a: Adatok a dunántúli paleozoikum tektonikájához — Földt. Közi. LXXI. 205-212. 1941b: Adatok Felsőörs környékének földtani viszonyaihoz — A M. Kir. Földt. Int. Évi Jel. 1936-1938-ról I. 295-301. 1941c: Polgárdi és környékének paleozoikus képződményei — A M. Kir. Földt. Int. Évi Jel. 1936-1938-ról I. 311 -325. 1942a: A velencei gránitrög tektonikája — AM. Kir. Földt. Int. Évi Jel. 1936-1938-ról III. 1321-1370. 1942b: Általános gazdasági geológia — Kolozsvár 1946a: Bevezetés a gazdasági földrajzba — Budapest 1946b: Principles an proposals of Hungary for the 1946 Paris Peace Treaty — I —II. Budapest (BOGNÁR G.-val, KÉZ A.-ral, RÓNAI A.-sal) 1947: A Duna­völgy és környéke (térkép, 6 változatban) — Budapest 1948a: Jelentés a Jászó környékén 1940 év nyarán végzett felvétel­ről — AM. Kir. Földt. Int. Évi Jel. 1939-1940. II. 899-907. (RÓNAI A.-sal) 1948b: Magyarázó a Dunavölgy és környéke c. térképhez — Budapest 1953: East Central Europe, chapter - In: HOFFMANN, G. (ed.) : A geography of Europe. New York 1954a: Industrial and social policies between the wars — In: BLACK, C. E. (ed.) : Challenge in Eastern Europe. 1954b: Photo-interpretation of the coastal zones of Dalmatia — Proc. Coastal Geography Conference. Washington 1960a: The relation of navigation, sea ice and photo-interpreta­tion in arctic regions — Intern. Congr. Photogrammetry. London 1960b: Europe — Chapter in McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of na­tural sciences and technology GÉZA TELEKI (1911—1983) Géza TELEKI was born in Budapest in 1911. He spent the first part of his life in Hungary, while the second half in the United States of America. Like his father, Pál TELEKI he was also engaged in geography, inheriting the desire for learning and research and passion for teaching from him. Like his father, for a short time, he also played leading role in politics, and both of them had to resign among tragical conditions. Géza TELEKI finished his studies in Zürich and Vienna and in this latter place he graduated as a geologist and earned his Ph. D. degree in 1936. He carried out his first geological explorations in Turkey (oil prospection), and returning home he was appointed to the Royal Hungarian Geological Institute. Here, soon, in spite of his young age, he achieved valuable new results in studying the tectonics of the Palaeozoic in Hungary. In 1944, as member of the Hungarian delegation seeking armistice, he took part in the negotiations in Moscow. In 1945 he resigned and lectured at his father's former department. He took part in the preparation of the Paris Peace Treaty, and in cooperation with Transylvanian representatives elaborated a proposal for the solution of the Central-European regional problems. During this period together with several co-authors he took part in the compilation of the complex map of the Danube Valley (1947). In 1948 he emigrated to the United States with his family. In 1949—1950 he worked as senior researcher at one of the universities in Virginia. In 1950 he was appointed professor of Foreign Affairs at the same institution where he worked till 1955. Between 1956—1959 he was a scientific adviser at the North American Polar Research Institute, then he was appointed head of the Department of Geology at the George Washington University. He taught here as head of the department till his retiring in 1977, and after his retirement as Professor Eme­ritus for another two years. During this period he wrote several studies and textbooks, and as expert of European affairs he took part in the editing of several collective scientific publications. Géza TELEKI, together with his wife, escaped to death because of grave, incurable disease in 1983. They are buried in the park of their own villa in W Virginia.

