Dr. Balázs Dénes szerk.: Földrajzi Múzeumi Tanulmányok 3. (Magyar földrajzi gyűjtemény; Érd, 1987)

ÉRTEKEZÉSEK - Dr. Viera Pavlikova (Pozsony): Benyovszky Móric alakja Szlovákiában

polskiego i vegierskiego z francuskiego tumaczona 1 — 4. Warszawa 1797, 1802, 1806. Památné pfíhody hrabëte Beftovského, na vëtSim dile od nëho samého sepsané, ve vytah pak uvedené a prelozené od Samuela Cerrianského. Preäpurk, lnsstytut literatury slovenské 1808. Vie et aventures du Conte Maurice Auguste Beniowski résumés d'après ses mémoires par N. A. K. (oubalski). Tours 1863. 3. Rizner, Ludovít V. (Ed.): Bibliográfia písomnictva slo­venského na spôsob slovnika od najstaräich éias do konca r. 1900, s pripojenou bibliografiou archeologickou, his­torickou, miestopisnou a prirodovedeckou. Martin, Matica slovenská 1929-1934. 6 kötet. 4. Zivotopis a zápisky hrabëte M. Benovského. Budapest 1890. 5. Jókai Mór: Gróf Benyovszky 1 —4. Budapest, 1888. 6. Niznansky, Jozo: Dobrodruzstvá Mórica Benovského. Praha 1933, Bratislava 1958, 1965. 7. Jókai Mór: Gróf Benyovszky Móric életrajza, saját emlék­iratai és útleírásai. Budapest, 1967. A Benyovszkyval foglalkozó érdekesebb könyvek: Cultru, Prosper: De Colonia in Insulam Delphinam vulgo Madagascar a barone M. A. Benyovsky deducta. Paris, 1901. Cultru, Prosper: Un Empereur de Madagascar au XVIII siècle. Paris, 1906. Curzon, Henry de: Une episode de l'histoire de Madagascar au XVIII e siècle. Paris, 1896. 8. Denník Mórica A. Benovského. Vyber zostavil Jozef Watzka. Z nemeckého vydania Des Grafen Moritz August von Be­nyowsky... Schicksale und Reisen L — II. Leipzig 1791, prelozil Anton Spiesz. Doslov napisal Rudolf Skukálek. Bratislava, Tatran 1966. 248. pp. Edicia Pamäti a dokumenty zv. 23. Rediguje Jozef Niznansky. 9. Lásd: Vantúch, Anton: Maurice Benovsky dans les archives du quai d'Orsay. In: Studia historica slovaca VI. Bratislava, Vydavatel'stvo Slovenskej akadémie vied 1969, pp. 239 — 245. 10. Ibid., pp. 241-242. 11. Ibid., pp. 243 — 245. A Vantúchtól idézett levelek a Mémoires et documents - Asie t. XVII, f. 280, f. 288, f. 278 dossziébői valók, a legutolsó, számunkra legérdekesebb levél pedig a Mémoires et documents dosszié egyéb ügyek, t. XVIII, f. 240-241. anyagából. 12. Dr. Vantúch szerint a párizsi francia levéltárban őrzött Benyovszky-levelezés mikrofilm másolata átkerült a pozsonyi Állami Központi Levéltárba, dr. F. Sedlák jóvoltából. 13. Lásd Vantúch idézett munkáját, p. 240. A hivatkozott doku­mentumok a Mémoires et documents — Asie t. XIX, f. 226 — 228. és pp. 230 — 230 Reflexions sur l'établissement de Mada­gascar dossziébői származnak. 14. Vantúch, Anton: Ked Móric Benovsky hovorí pravdu. In: Vlastivedny ëasopis vol. XXIX, 1980, No. 3, pp. 141-143. 15. MOL, C 42, Lad. B, fasc. 87, No. 631. 31 levelet tartalmaz. A Szlovák Tudományos Akadémia Történelemtudományi Intézete mikrofilmet kapott róla. THE IMAGE OF COUNT M. A. BENYOWSKY IN SLOVAKIA Count Benyowsky, who provides the reason for this study, was a child of the eighteenth century which was characterized by a thirst for knowledge about non-European peoples. His travels took place when most of the countries he had visited were unknown or at least little known to Europeans. His different adventures, described in his memoirs, were thus followed avidly by his contemporaries and established Benyowsky's international reputa­tion. Count Benyowsky's Memoirs and Travels..., first published four years after his death in London in 1790, became a popular work, which was to capti­vate the popular minds of the Europe and America of his day and made him a popular hero of a very rich literature. Two hundred years Benyowsky's name has been popular all over the world. By and large, however, our understanding of Benyowsky is still only partial. He was and still remains a figure of controversy. Doubts have been cast on his youthful career as well as on his own vivid account of his later exploits. The arguments have continued ever since. It is clear that Benyowsky was possessed of an unusually complex personality, the explication of which defies an easy categorization. This popular hero of unnumerable books, novels and plays has been more often stereotyped than understood and paradoxically remains both the notoriously well known name and the most elusive personality. Recent research has attempted to reassess the accomplishments of Benyowsky in the light of modern scholarship and to reach some conclusions about the underlying motivations and deep-seated drives of this complex character. There is still much about Count Benyowsky that remains to be hidden and can possibly be unearthed in archives scattered all over the world, and only the joint effort of historians can shed new light on the career and exploits of the great adventurer. The present study seeks, within the limitations posed by the lack of reliable evidence, to examine the ways in which the knowledge of Benyowsky's adventures and accomplishments reached the Slovak public and to assess to what extent the saga of Benyowsky's adventurous life and the very circums­tances of his death ever captured the imagination of his compatriots living in the present-day Slovakia from the eighteenth century up to the present. Great attention is paid to the Slovak translations of Benyowsky's Memoirs and Travels, including the very first one published in Pressburg in 1808, and to the contribution made by Slovak professional historians, namely Anton Vantúch, to our knowled­ge of Benyowsky. Translated by the Author ОБРАЗ БЕНЕВСКОГО В СЛОВАКИИ Во введении автор ссБшаетсн на мировуго известностБ Беневского, которуго принесли ему его „МемуарБ! и путешествил". ПоказБ1вает, что ЛИЧНОСТБ Беневского и его творческии путв не совсем ВБ1нсненБ1 и сеичас, спустн двести лет. До сих пор сушествует множество противоречаших друг другу мнении, что происходит из-за его чрезвБгчаино сложного характера. Затем пере­ходит к приему воспоминании Беневского в Словакии. ЛгобопБ1тно, что ,,МемМарБ1 и путе­шествил" на словаВком нзБгее впервБ1е 6БЈЛИ опМбликованБГ в 1808 году в г. ПОЖОНБ, опередив на 80 лет первБш венгерскии перевод, сделаннБги Мором Иокаи. Среди словаВких историков ТОЛБКО Антон Вантух подробно занималсл твор­чеством Беневского. Переве.ш тшдмила Малнзчкова

