H. Harmat Beáta (szerk.): A Bakonyi Természettudományi Múzeum Közleményei 28. (Zirc, 2011)

CONTENTS TÓTH, S.: In memóriám Lajos Podlussány 7 KEVEY , B.: Forests of the sand-hill area of Bakonyalja. III 9 FEHÉRVÁRI, B. - SALÁTA, D. - MALATINSZKY, Á.: Traditional orchards of the farms in Öreg-Bakony 39 VARGA, A. -BÖLÖNI, J.: Changes in the land use of an abandoned wood pasture near Olaszfalu (Veszprém county) 55 NÓVÁK , J.: Contribution to the pseudoscorpion (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) fauna of the Bakony Mts., Hungary 67 TRASER, GY., WINKLER, D. & MOLNÁR, M.: The Collembola fauna of the Szent László-víz Valley in Mezőföld, Hungary 71 KENYERES , Z. - RÁCZ, I. A.: Orthoptera collection in the Natural History Museum of Bakony Mountains 81 KONDOROSY, E.: Heteroptera fauna of Keszthely and vicinity 105 MÓRA, A., DEÁK, CS., KÁLMÁN, Z., LŐKKÖS, A., Soós, N., CSABAI, Z.: Contribution to the aquatic insect fauna of Káli-medence and Fekete-hegy, and their surroundings (Balaton Uplands) 147 NAGY, F.: Contribution to the Carabidae (Coleoptera) fauna of Győr-Moson-Sopron and Veszprém counties (Hungary) 181 PODLUSSÁNY, A. - KUTASI, CS.: New Curculionoidea beetles from the Bakony Mountains (West Hungary) 197 KUTASI, CS: Protected and rare beetle species (Coleoptera) from the Várpalota Military Training Ground (Bakony Mountains, Hungary) 201 SzABÓKY, Cs.: The Microlepidoptera collection of Attila Kohanóczy 217 SZABÓKY , Cs.: Comparative examination of the Macrolepidoptera fauna of Bakonybél-Somhegy (Bakony Mts.) and the fundamental description of its Microlepidoptera fauna 227 NAGY , L. - POLLER, Z.: Results of waterfowl censuses on lakes near Várpalota (2005-2007) 265

