Hírközlési Múzeumi Alapítvány, Évkönyv, 2008-2009

Rövid tartalmi összefoglaló angol nyelven

makes mention of the stamp sheetlet designed in Hungarian-Japanese collaboration for this occasion, (pp. 174—177) The article entitled Korok ruhái bélyegképeken (Garments of ages on stamps) by museologist Alexandra Halász introduces the large seasonal exhibition held at the Stamp Museum in June 2009 featuring a thematic selection of international stamps that also provide insight into the dress culture of various ages and the history of ever-changing fashions. Besides stamps, dolls were also displayed at the exhibitions dressed into custom garments and a fashion show was held on the opening day with the co-operation of fashion design students to great public appeal, (pp. 170-173) One of the articles by Gabriella Nikodém, Director of the Stamp Museum evokes the colourful world of the highly distinguished and recently deceased fine artist János Kass (1927-2010) along with his pursuits in the designing of graphics, books, and stamps by commemorating the exhibition held recently in his honour, (pp. 178-181) Her other article is a closing piece for her article series published in earlier yearbooks, which unveils the history of the Pannónia Stamp Collectors’ Club and the Association of Hungarian Stamp Collectors’ Clubs between 1907 and 1947 based on sources in professional literature and archive research, (pp. 182-198) 202

