Postai és Távközlési Múzeumi Alapítvány Évkönyve, 1993

Kiállítási emlékezések - Kovács Gergelyné: Az alapítvány éves jelentése az IATM közgyűlésre, az 1993–94. évi munkáról

1993 Report on the Work of the Foundation of the Postal and Telecommunications Museum The Foundation, which in 1993 moved into its fourth year, in its activities continued to represent the Foundation aims over and beyond its obligation to maintain the museums. The Foundation made regular appearances in professional public life. Those social gatherings wholly organised by the Foundation or in which they assisted (world day celebrations, exhibition openings, scientific sessions, concerts etc.) were well received in professional circles and won acknowledgement in museum circles as well. Our report, following the chapters of the work plan, only provides details of the more significant events, and it omits the itemized financial report which was handed in earlier. Collection work During the revision of the inventory in the Stamp Museum, 476,588 stamps were examined, from the Asian, African and Europe collections. The plans of stamp drafts, finalised stamp designs, the first day covers and occasional postcards were added to the inventory under No. 16,365. The number of items (Hungarian and foreign stamps, stamped postcards, original graphics, printing tools, occasional postmark stamps, awards, charters) in the collection increased by 144,565. The library stock increased by 89 volumes. The 10,593-item world collection of the International Transsylvania Foundation, which was deposited as a gift, was catalogued. The Postal Museum collection increased by 766 items, the documentary collections by 4,709, and the library by 490 volumes. One piano was deposited as a gift. Sixty-six items of postal and telecommunications historical importance were lent by the Postal Museum for national and foreign exhibitions and presentations. The Postal Museum collections were complemented with a telephone card collection; the museum receives obligatory sample telephone cards similarly to Hungarian stamp issues. The Postal Museum started telephone card exchanges with foreign sister museums, some publishers and distributors in the autumn. The highly valuable Sopron historical documents and objects collection, with the agreement of the Sopron MATÁV and Post Office board of directors, will continue its operation as an affiliate as the Sopron collection of the Postal and Telecommunications Museum Foundation in its new location in Sopron, Teleki Pál út 12, in a separated part of the post office. Its storage area and work room fully meet museum regulations. 144

