Postai és Távközlési Múzeumi Alapítvány, Postamúzeumi évkönyv, 1990

Nemzetközi kitekintés - Kovács Gergelyné: Telemuseum — Stockholm

hazai távközléstörténeti irodalom mellett jelentős külföldi folyóirat és könyv állománya van. A stockholmi TELEMUSEUM (Telecommunications Museum rövidítése) ismerte­tésével kettős célunk volt. Egyrészt kiállítását, a kezdetektől napjainkig vezető köreit,' a távközlés társadalmi szerepének bemutatását példaként kívántuk állítani a magyar kiállításrendezés elé, másrészt inspirálni a magyar távközlés munkatársait, hogy a ha­sonló törekvéseket követő hazai Postamúzeum segítségével megszülessen a magyar táv­közlés múzeuma. Telecommunication Museum oj Stockholm The author describes brief history of the telecommunication Museum of Stockholm, dating back almost 150 years, which had been opened in its reconstructed form in 1975. The exhibition shows history of tetcommunication beginning from the telegraphs with- light signal, of the ancient world, through the optic telegraph of A.N. Edelcrantz of Sweden at the beginning of the 19th century upto the electric Morse telegraph and to the up-to-date telex and telefax machines. The telephone was shown Oscar Swedish king summer 1877 and the first exchange of Stockholm with 121 subscribers started its operation in 1880. The exhibition shows, very illustratively, the rapid development, as a result of wich the Swedish capital pos­sessed the telephone network all over the world /!/ by 1885. The first automatic exchange of Sweden was awarded a gold medal in 1900 at the World Exhibition. The first crossbar exchange, the product of the Ericsson Ltd. began to operate in 1924. A separate memory room is showing lifework of Lords Magnus Ericsson in the ex­hibition. The section of radio history by means of its extremely rich material makes the visitor familiar with the history of the radio just from Marconi upto the satellite system. Pioneers of the Swedish radio history were engineers Gösta Essvik and Artur Linens- tam. Regular radio broadcasts began on 1st January 1925, and television broadcasts started in 1956. In addition to showing the old apparatuses, attention of the visitors is enlivened by radio and televivion programs of the age. 149

