Fodor György - Török József - Tusor Péter (szerk.): Felekezetek az Igazság szolgálatában: történelem, teológia, önazonosság (1500-2000) - Studia Theologica Budapestinensia 34. (2009)

I. Catholic-Orthodox symbiosis in Transylvania (Katolikus-ortodox együttélés Erdélyben) - Ioan Chirila: Tolerance and intolerance in t he Transylvanian legislative corpora (the 16th-19th centuries)

2. Restrictive decisions concerning the manifestation and the religious organization of Romanians The initiatives regarding the building of churches are subjected to the examination of the ordinary assembly, having thus the possibil­ity of being approved by the state authorities and of being put af­terwards into operation. The same thing applies itself not as re­garding the ones who belong to the sect of Valachs, who, because of their status of being tolerated, do not enjoy the same rights." The clergy of the nation of Valachs is obliged to obey to a very strict regulation, and this compulsoriness is also a consequence of the fact that they are not counted among the states or the religions. Thus, a new bishop is appointed by the clergy but, in order to be installed, he needs the approval of the prince, considering his fidelity toiuard the prince and the welfare of the country. It is stipulated that the activity of the clergy must be restricted to their tasks, and they are forbidden to meddle with the service of the laic functionaries, to draw out the poor, to administer things that are not belonging to the Church or to in­terfere luith the laic punishments or fines, but they must conform them­selves to the decisions of the country.12 The hostility of the Hungarian 11 12 11 See Aprobnle d compitale, the first Title: About the problems regarding religions, the third article, in “Mitropolia Ardealnhii”, an XXI, July-September 1976, no. 7-9, p. 464: “...if someone would like to communicate the desired according to the Holy Scripture regarding the building of churches, it is allowed as follows, that he is obliged to debate with the ordinary parochial assembly, and to subject to the examination of the ordinary assembly both himself and his opinions. If the magistrates and the leader who is beyond religions find them useful and need­ful... than they will be put into operation; on the contrary, if the propose is not validated, than those opinions will be forbidden... Among these we do not un­derstand those who belong to the Vlach or the Greek .sect, who are, [or a period, toler- aled, as long as the prince and the inhabitants of the country will find this acceptable". 12 See Aprobnle et compilate, the eighth Title: About the Vlach priests, the first Article, in “Mitropolia Ardealului”, an XXI, July-September 1976, no. 7-9, p. 471: “The Vlach bishops, archpriests and priests should not meddle with the service of the laic functionaries during their visits, draw out the poor, administer things that are not belonging to the church and execute them, but only visit their priests and deacons, their churches, their cemeteries and their places of burying; both the union and the separation of the people who get married, as well as the church services according to their rite, the ecclesiastical duties and other affairs alike, which concern only their office and their state, must conform themselves to the decisions of the country; they must not interfere w'ith the laic punish­ments or fines”. 18

