Folia Theologica 18. (2007)

László Boda: Whether John the Baptist Could Have Been Educated at Qumran? - Johs and Bannus

JOHN AND BANNUS 69 Therefore, the real problem is the way of becoming self-dependent and the way of life of John the Baptist for about one decade. In fact, prior to his age of 30 and his public appearance connected to the Jordan, it would have been difficult for an external person to gain comprehensive knowledge of the ideas of Qumran, considering its strict rules of secrecy. As a summary, it can be stated that the connection of John the Baptist with Qumran, his temporary education and residence at Qumran, or even, his separation as well, fit well into the conception developed of him and the context of the related events. In the syn­opsis or, in other words, overall picture, a way of life similar to that of Bannus can be concluded, about three decades before. Again, it can be stated that it is not the temporary residence at Qumran that is questionable; instead, the problem is: when got he there and how passed he out of there and how lived he there. Do not forget: the rolls relating to the rules of sect emphasize expressly that the ordi­nary membership committed by swearing is only subject to a "vol­untary decision". It is also a well founded assumption that John the Baptist failed to make an oath to commit himself to become an ordi­nary member; thus, he was not an oath-breaker "deserter" when he followed his own way to connect the Old Testament with the New Testament, to connect Qumran with the Christianity, thus, prepar­ing the way for the true Messiah who according to John's preaches and belief already arrived in the person of Jesus of Nazareth.

