Folia Theologica 9. (1998)

György Benyik: Hungarian Bible Translation

HUNGARIAN BIBLE TRANSLATIONS 243 with the publication of this translation, it had several editions and its re­vised version was published in 1997. DÉNES FARKASFALVY (1936-), a Cistercian monk, who among other places, studied at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He taught Mathematics in Dallas. He is now a professor of Theology at the Catho­lic University of Dallas. He has written several commentaries and studies on Biblical themes.112 For his commentaries he translates the Biblical texts from Greek. Among his works are a commentary on the Gospel of John (1986), a commentary on The Epistle to the Romans and transla­tions of psalms (Eisenstadt, 1975). JÁNOS HAJDÓK, Psalm-Book (1978), private edition. A Poetical translation, which tried to use the latest philologival achievements, though these are masked by its poetry. His translations are influenced by the concepts contained in C.H. Dodd’s Psalm commentary. CALVINIST SYNOD OFFICE The history of this translation goes back to 1908, when Sándor Czeglédy (OT) and Sándor Raffay (NT) were commissioned to make a revision of the Károly Bible to free it from ar­chaisms. From this work fascicules were printed in 1938, but due to Czeglédy’s early death the work stopped. In 1947-48 a commission of Calvinist and Lutheran scholars restarted work on Czeglédy’s legacy. Fi­nally they decided to make an entirely new version.113 As the project was developing they regularly published passages in booklets to inform the religious public, and the new version became an appopriate counter­part to the Catholic St. Stephen Company edition.114 Its great advantage is that it gives the referring Biblical parts in footnotes, though without naming the codices in which they can be found. 112 FARKASFALVY, D. Zsoltároskönyv. Eisenstadt: Prugg Verlag, 1975.; 1976.; Bevezetés a szentírástudományba, Teológiai kiskönyvtár 1/6 Rome, 1976. Budapest, 1981.; A római levél, Bevezetés, fordítás és magyarázat. Eisenstadt: Prugg, 1983.; Testté vált szó. Evangélium szent János szerint. Part one (Chapterl-6). Eisenstadt: Prugg, 1986.; Part two (Chapter 7-12). 1987.; A Jelenések könyve és az Újszövetségi Kánon in. Apokalipszis, A Föltámadás, Biblikus konferencia 1991-1992. Szeged, 1993. 113 Members of the committee: OT:Tibor Bartha, László Módis, Lajos Bakos, Dezső Karasszon, Miklós Pálfy, Kálmán Tóth, István and Sándor Czeglédy NT: Zsigmond J.Varga, László Márton Pákozdy, Sándor Cserháti (luth.) János Bolyki, Elemér Kocsis, Andor Muntágh, Sándor Szathmáry, István Szabó 114 Biblia. Istennek Ószövetségben és Újszövetségben adott kijelentése. Buda­pest, 1975.

