Folia Theologica 9. (1998)

György Benyik: Hungarian Bible Translation

HUNGARIAN BIBLE TRANSLATIONS 217 The Pozsonyi Codex16 was written by a student called MICHAEL in 1520. The 34 folios of the codex contain Gospel passages for the princi­pal feast-days and legends about some women saints. The Érsekújvári Codex17 (1529-1531) is the work of MÁRTA SÖVÉNYHÁZI, a Dominican nun, who in addition to Gospel passages also wrote St. Catherine’s legend. The Jordánszki Codex18 (1519) contains the five books of Moses, the books of the New Testament and the Letter to the Hebrews. It is a copy of 15th century Hungarian texts, or at least such texts served as its sources. Some scholars thought that this codex contains LÁSZLÓ BÁTHORI’s so called Pauline translation.19 This translation, however, has been lost. The text shows a close textual relationship to the Érsekújvári and Érdi Codices. Its text ifluenced the Jesuit GYÖRGY KÁLDI’s Bible translation. The Winkler Codex20 (15 06) contains songs, prayers and passages from the Gospel and was written for Fransiscan nuns. The Érdy Codex21 (1524-1527) compiled by an anonymous Carthu­sian monk22 is the largest 16th century collection of Hungarian legends. It has saved 52 Sunday Gospel passages. The text is related to Jordán- szky Codex and sometimes it is also called the Nagyszombati Codex. LÁSZLÓ BÁTHORI23 (1437-1457). According to the tradition Báthori made his translation on St. Gellért Mountain in Buda. On the site 16 VOLF, Gy. Nyelvemléktár Vol. XIII. 1890.; TÍMÁR, Kálmán. Prémontrei kódexek. Kalocsa, 1924. 17 VOLF, Gy. Nyelvemléktár Vol. IX-X. 1888.; TÍMÁR, Kálmán. Adalékok kódexeink forrásaihoz ITK, 1926. 18 TOLDY, F. (publ.) Jordánszky-Codex bibliafordítása. Budapest, 1888. fur­ther editions Volf, Gy. 1913. CSAPODI, Csaba, (publ.) Jordánszky kódex. Budapest, 1984. 19 MEZEY, László. A „Báthory-biblia” körül, in MTA értesítő, Budapest, 1956.; DIENES, Erzsébet. A Jordánszky kódex eredetéről. MNY, 1982. 20 DÖBRENTE1, G. and VOLF, Gy. Régi magyar nyelvemlékek Vol. IV/2. Bu­dapest, 1846. VOLF, Gy. Nyelvemléktár Vol. II. Budapest, 1874. TÍMÁR, Kálmán. Adalékok kódexeink forrásaihoz. ITK XXXVI. 1926. pp. 43-44. 21 VOLF, Gy. Nyelvemléktár Vol. IV-V. Budapest, 1876. VEINSTEIN- HEVESS, Kornél. A Jordánszky és Érdy codex. NYR. XXIII. 1896.; XXIV. 1895. pp. 569-571. SUHAJDA, Lajos. Az Érdy-kódex keletkezési ideje in Mészöly emlékkönyv. 1957. pp. 175-178. 22 From Városlöd monastery, Veszprém county. 23 MEZEY, L. A „Báthori-biblia” körül, in MTA Nyelvtudományi osztályának közleménye. Budapest, 1956. MÉSZÖLY, G. A legrégibb bibliafordítóink­ról. Budapest, 1911.

