Folia Theologica 9. (1998)


245 RECENSIONES György UDVARDY A Biblia a hitoktatásban. A serdülő kor metodológiája (The Bible in catechesis. Methodology for faith formation in adolescence), (Studia Theologica Budapestinensia 19), Márton Aron Kiadó, Budapest, 1998, pp. 144. The paper presents the use of scripture from a methodological point of view in catechesis for the adolescent. It does not deal with the whole process of catechesis, but rather examines the role of scripture in faith formation in the youth. The aim of the paper is not to offer a summary of all aspects catechesis deals with, but strictly looks at the scriptural aspect, with all its complexities within the catechetical process. More specifically, the paper examines those basic elements which are foundational for faith formation, and demonstrates how those elements support the developement of faith as approached through scripture. The specific aim of the paper, keeping all aspects mentioned above in view, is to demonstrate that the role of scripture in forming the identity of the adolescent is intrinsic. The whole question of faith formation in the adolescent requires a much broader pastoral foundation than the mere study of correct didactical methods and principles of scriptural catechesis. The whole process of faith formation aims to develope the personal identity in such a way that the individual can make a free and deliberate choice for Christ. Faith formation is a prerequisite for this conscious choice. The above mentioned theme is presented in three parts. The content and specific aspect of each chapters are as follows: Chapter I explores the foundational pastoral theology that closely connects and supports the subject. It is necessary to place the catechetical activity in the Church’s entire work and structure. It is also necessary to highlight the connection between catechesis for the adolescent and youth ministry as such. The chapter highlights the role of scripture in the adolescent in general. Pastoral theological questions are

