Folia Theologica 3. (1992)

Charles Duggan: Decretal letters to Hungary

DECRETAL LETTERS 29 Sigla of decretal collections The complete list of all known decretals collections of the twelfth century, with full bibliographical details of editions, analyses and secondary liter­ature, is provided in HOLTZMANN-CHENEY, xx-xxxi, and Decretales ineditae , xix-xxxi. 1 Abr. Alan. 1 Ale. Ambr. App. Cr. Aur. Bamb. O Cass. Chelt. Claud. Claustr. 1, 2 Comp. A. F. Abrincensis Prima: Singer, Neue Beiträge, 355-400. Coll. Alani: R. von Heckei, in ZRG Kan.Abt. 29 (1940) 226-334. Alcobacensis prima: Holtzmann-Cheney, 8-25; Duggan, in Studia Gratiana 14 (1967) 51-71; idem, Decretals of Alexander III 87-106. Amrosiana: Holtzmann-Cheney, 35-42. Appendix Concilii Lateranensis: editio princeps: Concilia omnia tam generalia quam particularia, ed. P. Crabbe (1551), 2. 820-944; Mansi, 22. 248-453. Aureavallensis: W. Holtzmann, in ZRG Kan. Abt. 16 (1927) 77-115. Bambergensis: W. Deeters, Die Bambergensisgruppe der Dekretalen-sammlungen des 12. Jhdts.(\9S6): Inaugural Dissertation ... der Philos. Fakultät die Rheinischen Friedrich Wilhelms-Universität. Oxford, Oriel College 53, fols. 34049v (olim 240-49) Casselana: J. H. Boehmer, Corpus iuris canonici 2 (1747); Deeters, Bambergensisgruppe 7-9. Cheltenhamensis: London, British Library Egerton 2819, fols. 1 lr-102r. Claudiana: London British Library Cotton Claudius A.iv, fols. 193r-220r (olim 189r-216r); Holtzmann- Cheney, 132-4. Claustroneoburgensis: F.Schönsteiner, in Jahrbuch des Stiftes Klosterneuburg 2 (1909) 1-154. Compilatio prima, secunda: Antiquae collectiones decretalium, ed. Antonio Agustin (1576); reissued in Opera omnia 4 (1769). E. Friedberg, Quinque compilationes antiquae necnon

