Folia Theologica et Canonica 11. 33/25 (2022)

poLiATfreoLoQiCA ex canonica 2022 «xi Published once a year by the Faculty of Theology of the PÁZMÁNY PÉTER CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY (Budapest) Institute of Canon Law “ad instar facultatis” of the PÁZMÁNY PÉTER CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY (Budapest) Address for manuscripts and correspondence: PPKE, Kánonjogi Posztgraduális Intézet H-1088 Budapest, Szentkirályi u. 28. Tel.: (+36-1)429-7217 • Fax: (+36-1)429-7218 Publishing House: “Szent István Társulat” Managing Director: Olivér Farkas Design Editor: Etelka Krisztina Koczka Address: Szent István Társulat H-1053 Budapest, Veres Pálné u. 24. Tel.: (+36-1) 318-6957 E-mail: Yearly subscription for institutions: 25 EUR or 34 USD Rate for private individuals: 20 EUR or 27 USD K & H Bank Zrt., H-l 051 Budapest, Arany János utca 19-21. SWIFT CODE: OK HB HU HB Our account no. is 1BAN HU83 10201006-60169130 (EUR) EU VAT Number: HU 19719421 JOURNAL RANKING: Q1 (NATIONAL RANKING: HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES: A) Every article is anonymously evaluated by two judges’ expressive concordant votes The views expressed are the responsibility of the contributors Folia Theologica et Canonica is indexed in the Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses © 2022 by the Faculty of Theology of the Pázmány Péter Catholic University and Institute of Canon Law “ad instar facultatis” of the Pázmány Péter Catholic University HU-ISSN: 2063-9635

