Folia Theologica et Canonica 10. 32/24 (2021)
Ius canonicum
SYNODALITY AS A FORM OF THEOCRACY IN THE CONSTITUTION OF THE CHURCH 65 It is not to be confused with collegiality, which refers to the body of bishops in the Church, which, together with its head, the Pope, constitutes the supreme authority of the Church, according to the documents of the Second Vatican Council17 and to the canon law in force18. More recently, the fact that synodality is not synonymous with ‘democracy’ has been emphasized but has a unique theological meaning within the Church. The literature distinguishes three main interpretations of synodality. The first coincides with episcopal collegiality, the second refers to the institutional forms of collaboration between priests and the faithful within the practice of the bishop ’s pastoral ministry, and the third is an organizational principle which is the opposite of the hierarchical principle. With regards to the Church, only the second of these three meanings can be applied in a particular sense19. As mentioned above, per the encouragements of Pope Francis20, the International Theological Commission has published a document21 on the historical and theological implications of this new concept, explaining that the Church represents a structural reality which has been present from the beginnings22. In addition to the collegial nature of the body of apostles and the office of bishops, it is customary to pay particular attention to the fact that the Church as the people of the new covenant made with God in Jesus Christ has been entrusted with the task of continuing Christ’s mission in history. As to this mission - in accordance with the messianic expectations of the people of Israel who awaited the Prophet, the High Priest and the King begotten by David - it emerges as a threefold reality in the New Testament and in tradition: it stands before us as a teaching of sanctifying and pastoral or governing mission. The entire Church - each believer according to his or her state - shares in this threefold mission23. 17 In particular, Const, dogm. Lumen gentium 22. Cf. Betti, U., La dottrina sull’episcopato del Concilio Vaticano II. II capitolo III della Costituzione Dommatica Lumen gentium (Spicilegium Pontificii Athenei Antoniani 25), Roma 1984. 388-389. Philips, G., La Chiesa e il suo mistero nel Concilio Vaticano II. Storia, testo e commento alia Costituzione Lumen gentium, Milano 1975(1989) 197-269. 18 CIC Cann. 330-341; CCEO Cann. 42-54. 19 Cf. Witsch, N., Synodalität auf der Ebene der Diözese, 20-23. 20 E.g., Franciscus, Adhort. Ap. Evangelii gaudium (24 nov. 2013), n. 119: AAS 105 (2013) 1069-1070; idem, Discorso in occasione del cinquantesimo anniversario dell'istituzione del Sinodo dei Vescovi (17 oct. 2015): AAS 107 (2015) 1138-1144, especially 1141-1144. 21 Commissione Teologica Internazionale, La sinodalitä nella vita e nella missione della Chiesa (2 mart. 2018), Cittä del Vaticano 2018. 22 Cf. Interview with Karl-Heinz Menke on May 26"' 2018 (Domradio / Vatican News). The author emphasizes that the truth cannot be decided by a mere majority vote. Truth is Christ himself, who gave a special commission to his apostles, who passed it on to their successors. 23 Conc. Vat. II, Const, dogm. Lumen gentium 32; cf CIC Can. 204 § 1. The point of view of the Council on the triple mission (tria munera) had a decisive influence on the revision of the CIC; cf. Communications 1 (1969) 102-104. Schmitz, H., Reform des Kirchlichen Gesetzbuches Codex Iuris Canonici 1963-1978 (Canonistica 1), Trier 1979. 37. Schick, L., Das dreifache Amt