Folia Theologica et Canonica 10. 32/24 (2021)


RECENSIONS 299 the editors have succeeded not only in commemorating in a dignified way to the work of Prof. Giacomo Incitti but have also provided a valuable setting for the analysis of a number of specific canon law sub-issues which highlight the top-level research currently underway in the field of canon law. These author­itative studies in this volume will certainly make this work indispensable for future use at an international level by scholars, practitioners and practitioners of canon law. Szabolcs Anzelm Szuromi, O.Praem. Körmendy, K. - Madas, E. (ed.), Libri diversi magni et parvi. Váloga­tott tanulmányok a Főszékesegyházi Könyvtár állománytörténetéhez és Esztergom város középkori könyvkultúrájához [Selected Studies on the History of the Arch-Cathedral Library and the Medieval Literary Culture of the City of Esztergom], Esztergomi Főszékesegyházi Könyvtár, MTA­­OSZK Res Libraria Hungáriáé Kutatócsoport, Fragmenta Codicum Mű­hely (Eötvös Loránd Kutatási Hálózat), Esztergom 2021, pp. 288 It is an acknowledged tradition in the academic world to compile a commem­orative volume for researchers and academics who have made a significant contribution in their field, both at national and international level, on the occa­sion of a significant anniversary of their career. These collections contain ei­ther studies dedicated to the celebrated person, mainly by prominent members of the particular discipline, or the most important publications of the celebrat­ed person's scientific work. The work compiled for Kinga Körmendy’s tribute combines the characteristics of these two forms in a unique genre, organized around a main theme, the history of the Esztergom Arch-Cathedral Library and the medieval literary culture of the city of Esztergom. Kinga Körmendy’s name is related to the research of the Esztergom Arch- Cathedral Library and the Cathedral Chapter literary collection and medieval book culture. Her scholarly work was influenced by László Mezey and Csaba Csapody. Her study entitled Fragments of an antiphonary of the Esztergom Cathedral Library in the Manuscript Section of the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, published in 1970 (Az esztergomi Főszékesegyházi Könyvtár egyik antifonáriumának töredékei az Akadémiai Könyvtár Kézirat­tárában), already indicated her commitment to the investigation of Eszter­­gom’s ecclesiastical cultural heritage. Among the subsequent publications, we only mention here A Knauz-hagyaték kódextöredékei és az esztergomi egyház középkori könyvtárának sorsa (Budapest 1979: the fragments of the Knauz­­heritage and the fate of the medieval library of the Church of Esztergom); Az esztergomi Collegium Christi és könyvtára aXIV-XVI. században (in Ma­gyar Könyvszemle 99 [1983]: The Collegium Christi and library of Esztergom

