Folia Theologica et Canonica 5. 27/19 (2016)


274 RECENSIONS rence (Directorio de la pastoral familiar de la Iglesia en España). This docu­ment lists remarkable instructions for the community life of parishes and pasto­ral care, for the family-catechism, for the mutual support among the Catholic families, and also for the assistance of families by the ecclesiastical tribunals (pp. 147-206; authors: María Álvarez de las Asturias, Antonio Die, Maria Luisa Erhardt). The fourth chapter speaks about the discussions of different types, le­vels and genres, which should be formed within the families. The Author points out that we are in a society of “communicational revolution", therefore the most important basic elements of the society - the families - must not forget the instrument of communication: to improve the internal bonds of the family, to express the faith within the family, particularly through the common prayers to one another. The families have to understand that their life is exist not only in the private sphere but publicly manifests in the society. Therefore, their own - internal - life can make a considerable influence on the external society. Ob­viously, the family is always receives strong influences from outside, which are capable to destroy its internal life. However, must be noticed, that even the in­ternal good of the families can make positive influence on their external milieu, forming it toward the good (pp. 207-268; authors: José Fransisco Serrano Oceja. Maria Lacalle, Javier Igea). The fifth chapter summarizes the previous themes and underlines the importance of the well-organized pastoral parish work and the recognition of the internal - spiritual - values of families through the cate­chism (pp. 269-283; author: Mario Iceta). The above described volume is without doubt a really informative guide­book, which is following the teaching of the Holy Scripture and the Magiste­­rium of the Church; using the most important results of pastoral theology, ca­non law, pedagogy and psychology in well balanced way. This book effectively transmits the crystallized teaching of the Church on the marriage and family, giving very precise, authentic, constructive and considered answers to those questions which arise in the contemporary secularized society. Szabolcs Anzelm Szuromi, O.Praem. Rouco Varela, A. M., La familia, motivo de esperanza (Biblioteca de autores cristianos 203), CLM Artes Gráficas, Madrid 2015. pp. 246 Antonio Maria Rouco Varela. Cardinal Archbishop Emeritus of Madrid, has composed a volume on the theological and disciplinary aspects of family based on the day-to-day pastoral life of the Church, which intentionally linked to the Extraordinary Bishop Synod’s central theme (October 5lh - 19lh 2014). The fun­damental reason of this particular volume - like many other recent dogmatic

