Folia Theologica et Canonica 3. 25/17 (2014)


258 RECENSIONS been accumulated by the canon law science in the Church history. This book also testifies the author’s extensive knowledge in the field of sacred sciences but law and political sciences too, moreover his strong emotion to the moral good, the truth and to the justice which stays in the center of canon law. Szabolcs Anzelm Szuromi, O.Praem. Soria Jiménez, A., Los principios de interpretáción del motu proprio Summorum Pontificum, Ediciones Cristiandad, Madrid 2014, pp. 552 Alberto Soria Jiménez, a Benedictine monk at the Abbey of Santa Cruz del Valle de los Caidos has composed a unique analysis on those liturgical and ca­nonical sources which are the background for Pope Benedict XVI’s motu pro­prio Summorum Pontificum (July 7th 2007). As it is well known, Pope Benedict XVI through this decision - after a circumspect deliberation of the sacramental life of those faithful who wish to exercise their daily worship based on the for­mal liturgical prescriptions (by the so called “Tridentine form”) among well de­termined circumstances made possible the use of the formal liturgical books during the administration of sacraments and sacramentals, moreover the use the old breviaries. Concerning the Holy Mass has been allowed to use the Roman Missal, promulgated by Pope Saint John XXIII (i.e. Missale Romanum [1962]) as extraordinary form to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice (i.e. forma extraordina­ria), except on the Holy Triduum. Several articles have been already published to explain and enlighten the contents of the above mentioned motu proprio (MP) of Pope Benedict XVI (e.g.. Agostino Montan), however Fr. Alberto Soria Jiménez OSB is the first who dedicates an entire monograph to the detailed analysis of this document. He describes not only the text of the MP Summorum Pontificum, but gives a cir­cumstantial picture on the development of the Missale Romanum (1962); exa­mines those decisions of Blessed Pope Paul VI and the Holy Congregation for Divine Cult which appeared regarding the old Missal after that time, when the new Missale Romanum came into force (1970). The Holy Congregation for Di­vine Cult had already authorized the diocesan bishops in 1984 that in individual cases they - by request of priests or faithful communities - could give permis­sion for the use of the Missale Romanum (1962) [i.e. Quattuor adhinc, October 3rd 1984). These cases had much more precise explanation in the motu proprio Ecclesia Dei (July 2nd 1988) by Pope Saint John Paul II (AAS 80, 1988, 1495— 1498). Fr. Alberto Soria follows the developing way of those sources, which are in connection to the interpretation of the Missale Romanum (1962), from the pa­pacy of Blessed Pope Paul VI until the time of Pope Benedict XVI (pp. 63-

