Folia Theologica et Canonica 2. 24/16 (2013)


280 RECENSIONS time is also remarkable part of this volume because the list of decrees, precepts, rescripts, privileges, and dispensations has never summarized such a detailed form in canon law historical - institutional historical - perspective and we can­not find similar classification in the international scholarly research (150-168). The particular value of this list - beside those which was already indicated - the definition of the canonical categories as compared with the similar Roman law categories; moreover there is a unique analysis of “regulae iuris” in order to enlighten the ecclesiastical administrative acts. The last chapter gives a crystalized description of a particular form of provision of ecclesiastical offices, namely of the gradual promotion (169-181). This form was basically used for provision of canonical chapters. Many misunderstandings have arisen concerning this form and Prof. Szuromi’s reveling textual analysis, compari­sons and interpretations make clear the canonical picture on this old institution, until its reforms in the modem age. The above analyzed volume - which is concluded by a detailed and updated international bibliography (199-224), but before that three appendices take place, describing the most important explained manuscripts (183-197) - has been appeared within the series of the Bibliotheca Instituti Postgradualis Iuris Canonici (Budapest, Hungary). Professor Szabolcs Anzelm Szuromi’s new book gives balanced and mo­derated overview on the system of the medieval canon law discipline, on its ecclesiological bases and historical effects even on the codifications and on the current canon law. The Author remains consequently within the framework of interpretation of the medieval canonical sources, therefore he is able to explain an authentic picture for the readers about the medieval - contemporary - prin­ciples of canon law but also their current meanings and the “bridge” between them. Through the Author’s special interpretative horizon, this particular work in unique mode complements the understanding of the medieval canonical knowledge and thinking on the highest international scientific level. Rita Ferenczy Szuromi, Sz. - Ferenczy, R., Kérdések az állami egyházjog köréből - érintkezési pontok két önálló jogrendszer között - [Questions from the Ecclesiastical Law - Realations between Two Independent Law Systems] (Bibliotheca Instituti Postgradualis Iuris Canonici Universitatis Catho- licae de Petro Pázmány nominatae III/17), Szent István Társulat, Budapest 2014.pp. 195 The Hungarian Private Law and the own internal law of the Catholic Church (i.e. canon law) are two independent law-systems. Separation between state

