Folia Canonica 7. (2004)
folia canonica vol. 7 (2004) — issn: 1419-0060 Review of Eastern and Western Canon Law Published once a year by: Institute of Canon Law “ad instar facultatis” of the Pázmány Péter Catholic University (Budapest) & St Athanasius Greek-Catholic Theological Institute (Nyíregyháza) Address for manuscripts and all other correspondence: PPKE, Kánonjogi Posztgraduális Intézet TT—1088 Budapest, Szentkirályi u, 28. Tel.: (36-1) 429-72 17 Fax: (36-1) 429-7218 E-mail: Editorial Assistants: István Máté, Erzsébet Pintér Publishing House: “Úi Ember — Márton Áron Kiadó” Managing Director: Tamás Papp Address: Új Ember — Márton Áron Kiadó H—1053 Budapest, Kossuth L. u. 1. E-mail: VATNr.: HU 19719407 Yearly subscription for institutions: 45 USD or 45 EUR Rate for private individuals: 35 USD or 35 EUR Inter Europa Bank, H-1054 Budapest, Szabadság tér 15. SWIFT CODE: INEBHUHB Our account no. is: IBAN : ITIJ33 11100104 19719407 89000005 (EUR) 1BAN : HU30 11100104 19719407 84000000 (USD) The views expressed are the responsibility of the contributors Folia Canonica is indexed in the Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses This publication is supported by the MTA (Hungarian Academy of Sciences) in connection with work caried out by the MTA and the research group of the Pázmány Péter Catholic University Liturgical Studies Department National Cultural Heritage Ministry registration number: 3.4.1/377/2/1999 © 2004 by the Institute of Canon Law “ad instar facultatis” of the Pázmány'Péter Catholic University Printin Séd Nyomda Kft., Szekszárd