Dr. Murai Éva szerk.: Parasitologia Hungarica 24. (Budapest, 1991)
Editorial board: Tibor KASSAI György BÁNKI László PAPP Ferenc HOLLÓ Lajos RÓZSA István MATSKÁSI Ottó SEY Kálmán MOLNÁR István VARGA Published by the Hungarian Society of Parasitologists Magyar Parazitológusok Társasága H-1107 Budapest, Szállás u. 6. Date of publication January, 1992 ISSN 0303 -688 X Abstracts of papers from PARASITOLOGY HUNGARICA are published in HELMINTHOLOG1CAL ABSTRACTS, in PROTOZOOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS, and in REVIEW OF ADVANCED ENTOMOLOGY, SERIES B. Printed by the University of Veterinary Science, Budapest Director of printing house: Péter MOHAI Typesetting: PARS Ltd., Budapest