Dr. Kassai Tibor - Dr. Murai Éva szerk.: Parasitologia Hungarica 7. (Budapest, 1974)

not yet found - except in Mongolia - in areas south of the U.S. S.R. Lack of adequate investigations may be accounted for this. Fam.: Syphaciidae Skrjabin et Shikhobalova , 1951 4. Syphacia nigeriana Baylis, 1928 (70 oo, 364 99) Host: Cricetulus barabensis, Microtus b. brandti Localization: caecum. Description: A small helminth. Oval anterior end with four sub­medial papillae and two amphids . Mouth-opening surrounded by three-lips (Pigs. 4A, B). Distance between amphids 36-41 p in females. Lateral alae present. No cervical alae.Cuticle with in­distinct transversal bands. Anterior part of inner surface of esophagus finely serrated. Male: Body length 1 .60-2.05 mm, width I5O-I8O p. Esophagus length 23O-3OO p.. Nerve ring 100-130 p.,excretory pore 370-410 ja from anterior end. Tail ventrally bent, tail length 150-170 ja (Pigs. 4C , D). Spicule length 83-90 yu, gubernaculum length 27­35 p- Two pairs of praeanal and one pair of well developed pos­tanal papillae on tail. Female: Body length 4 .50-5 .20'mm, width 360-380 yu. Esophagus length 370-410 p.. Nerve ring 130 yu, excretory pore 590-620 p from anterior end. Distance between vulva and anterior end 64O­810^ (Fig. 4E). Eggs 100-110 x 32-40 yu. Tail length 580-720 p.. QUENTIN (1971) revised the genus Syphacia on the basis of head structure and sex organ. Until then S . nigeriana was known only from Africa and Germany. He stated that the species occurs also in Holarctic Microtinae (Alaska, Canada, Mexico, France). SHAR­Pig. 4: Syphacia nigeriana Baylis, 1928 (Orig.) A) Anterior extremity, en face view B) Anterior extremity, lateral view C) Posterior extremity of male, ventral view D) Posterior extremity of male, lateral view E) Vulva, lateral view

