Dr. Kassai Tibor szerk.: Parasitologia Hungarica 1. (Budapest, 1968)

In Memóriám Dr. Sándor KOTLÁN It is the cruel whim of fate that in the very.first contribution of our Journal we have to strike a note of sadness by paying final tribute to our Master, academician KOTLÁN, the chief nisti­gator of our efforts to launch Parasitologia Hun­gar i c a. It is tragic that he,its most persistent and enthu­siastic advocate, should not live to see the Journal published. Academician, Kossuth Prizewinner, honorary chairman of the Society of Hungarian Parasitologists, professor emeritus, and veritable father of Hungarian parasitological science, Dr. S. KOTLÁN passez away unexpectedly on December 22nd, 1967, In his 81st year. Ey hie death, a long life, full of scientific achievement and cha­racterized by unfaltering integrity, came to its inevitable con­clusion. Our beloved Nestor was interred in the cemetary at Par­kasret, Budapest, on December 29th, 1967, under the auspices of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of Agriculture and Pood and the University of Veterinary Science, who considered his death their own great loss. Sándor KOTLÁN was born on 14th July, 1887, at Szomclány near Po­zsony. Having matriculated at the Veterinary College in Budapest in 1906, he obtained his veterinary diploma in 1911. He was ap­pointed assistant lecturer in 1912 in the Institute of Pathologic­al Anatomy of the College, and there became closely acquainted with parasitology, a science then just emerging. Prom that time, he dedicated his life to the study of parasitology. Drawing on his strength and industry, he unstintingly taught, instructed and prepared himself for great future tasks. The young scientist Was first appointed to lecture in parasitology in 1921,and in zoology

