A Pest Megyei Levéltár. Levéltárismertető (Budapest, 2004)

Seventeen thousand meters of historical source/Introduction of the main archives

\ V* Ferenc jelvény adományozó oklevele a váci káptalannak ( 1808) Urkunde von Franz l. über die Abzeichenschenkung dem Kapitel von Vác (1 808) Badge giving certificate from Francis I to the chapter of Vác (1808) archive of the Földváry family is e.g. 6,70 linear meters long, and covers the years of 1331­1876. Records of family meetings, documents ensuring rights, inheri­tance lists, family tables, testaments, inheritance legal cases, manor court documents, and estate audits can be found amongst them. The storehouse list can be used as a research aid. The Mészöly family's Archives in Nagykőrös has a long archive amount - with valuable diplomas, correspondence, handwritten maps. It can be researched with the ledger created by Gáspár Mészöly and by looking through the unlisted documents one by one. From the documents of the almost 2 linear meters long archive material of the Jalsoviczky family the researcher may obtain a picture about the social rise of a noble family, whose career story represents a small slice of Hungary's history well in the age of capitalism. The documents of the Irsai-Szabó family are important mainly because they show what way was ahead of a landowner family arising from the villain in the 17 -18 th century. The documents mainly contain estate legal actions, land use problems, economic notes. The boundary riding records írom the 17 -18 th century on Irsa are considered as curiosum. The documents of the archive begin from 1628. 1.91

