I. Az OSZK 1986-1990-ben - Az Országos Széchényi Könyvtár működése 1986-1990-ben - The Activity of the National Széchényi Library in the Years 1986-1990

Automation In. the field of computer developments, substantial positive changes — which can be regarded as milestones in the history of the library — occurred during the five-year period as a results of the favourable external and internal conditions. In the second half of the decade the systems of grants in Hungary gave special support to library automation too. In recognition of its central role in building the Hungarian databases and disseminating the services, many applications submitted by the National Széchényi Library won full or partial support. The funds, hardware and software obtained in these grants, supplemented by the library's own resources, created the foundations for the integrated com­puterization of the library technological processes. From 1986 the new management treated the crea­tion of developed library services in the national library based on the application of modern tech­nology as a priority task. When the organizational frames of the institution were reconsidered, the departments responsible for the developments were brought under central management. To ensure the coordination of development conceptions, a working committee for professional analysis, consultation and coordination was formed from representatives of those participating in the library technology work processes. The principles for development of the computerized library technology system of the National Széchényi Library (690/1988 sz. VT) were elaborated and approved. These define the aim of the system, the principles concerning the development work, the concentration of funds and the computerization, and the planned stages in the implementation. They stipulated that until the main­frame computer system comes into operation, the developments are to be concentrated on micro com­puter applications, but applications for this purpose must always keep in sight the requirement of uni­formity and convertibility to the integrated system. The more important micro computer developments included the Hungarian Studies Database, the KATAL (Cataloguing system for foreign books), the system of records of periodicals, etc. The conception for the National Széchényi Library's library technology information system, NEKTÁR (Comprehensive Information System of the National Library) was adopted in 1990. The hardware and software conditions for the introduction of NEKTÁR were provided by the IBM 9377/80 computer purchased in the mean time, the DOBIS/LD3IS integrated library software and the related program developments adapted to the requirements of the national library. The network linked to the computer gives both in-house and external users access to the system. The services of the library also appeared in modern forms: on-line searches can now be made in the National Periodicals Database and the Hungarian Studies Database on the computer network through the IIF central computer, and both the operating program and the data files of the MNB 1KB data recording system are available on a floppy disc service. With all these results, closer integrated of the computer development activity into the Hungarian informatics infrastructure has begin. Already over the short term the creation of this infrastructure has had a significant influence on the professional work of the National Széchényi Library, as well as on the development activity of other libraries in Hungary. Exhibitions. Public Relations. Historic Library The library not only places its collections at the disposal of readers, but as one of the reposito­ries of Hungarian culture it creates contact in a wider area with the Hungarian public and foreigners visiting the country. One way of doing this is by organizing exhibitions which present to the public artistic and cul­tural documents and works of relevance not only to Hungary but practically to the whole world. The library has excellent possibilities for this in its new building. It is impossible to cover the whole of this activity here, at the most the themes covered can be listed. However, one exhibition must be mentioned individually, not only because of its outstanding sig­nificance but also because it could not have been held without international cooperation and help. On the occasion of the five hundredth anniversary of the death of King Matthias, an outstanding figure in Hungarian history, the library organized an exhibition entitled "Bibliotheca Corviniana 1490—1990", presenting more than half of the surviving volumes (216 in all) of the world famous collection which was dispersed in 1526. The volumes known as Corvinas, found in Hungary and in different parts of 85

