Matskási István (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 100. (Budapest 2008)

Merkl, O., Grabant, A. , Makra, Sz. , Peregovits, L. ; Soltész, Z.: Complete list of papers published in the Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici between 1903 and 2007

PONYI, L. 1956: Neue Hydrachnellen-Arten aus Ungarn. 48 (series nova 7): 443-450. Sub­ject: zoology VÁGVÖLGYiJ. 1956: Malacofaunistical data. 48 (series nova 7): 451-453. Subject: zoology BERINKEY, L. 1956: The taxonomical examinations of the otoliths of the Cyprinidae of Hungary. 48 (series nova 7): 455-462, non-paginated plates LX-XIII. Subject: zoology MARIÁN, M. 1956: Adatok a keresztes vipera (Vipera b. berus L.) somogyi elterjedési viszonyaihoz). (Some data concerning the distribution in Com. Somogy of the Com­mon Viper (Vipera b. berus L.).) 48 (series nova 7): 463-468. Subject: zoology HORVÁTH, L. & KEVE, A. 1956: The subspecies of the Dunlin in Hungary. 48 (series nova 7): 469-476. Subject: zoology TOPÁL, G Y. 1956: The movements of bats in Hungary. 48 (series nova 7): 477-489. Sub­ject: zoology MALÁN, M. 1956: Az ondódi avarok. (Les Avars d'Ondód.) 48 (series nova 7): 491-506. Subject: anthropology BOROS, I. 1956: "The origin of species and the descent of man" an exhibition of the Hun­garian National Museum - Museum of Natural History. 48 (series nova 7): 507-515, non-paginated plates XVII-XXI. Subject: museology Volume 49 (Series nova 8), 1957 Date of publication: 31 December 1957. Editor: I. BOROS. Publisher: Bibliotheca Kiadó. JÁVORKA, S. 1957: Pál Kitaibel (1757-1817). 49 (series nova 8): 9-16. Subject: history of science TOKODY, L, MÁNDY, T. & NEMESNÉ VARGA, S. 1957: Mauritzit, új ásvány Erdőbényéről. [Mauritzite, a new mineral from Erdöbénye.] 49 (series nova 8): 17-21. Subject: mineralogy HERRMANN, M. 1957: A Mecsekhegység és pereme pannóniai homokjainak mikrominera­logiai vizsgálatai. (The micromineralogical examination of the Pannonian sands of the Mts. Mecsek and its borders.) 49 (series nova 8): 23-29. Subject: mineralogy HERRMANN, M. 1957: A komlói andezitterület újabb vizsgálata. (A newer examination of the andezité area of Komló.) 49 (series nova 8): 31-42. Subject: petrology ANDREÁNSZKY, G. & NOVAK, É. 1957: Neue und interessante tertiäre Pflanzenarten aus Ungarn III. 49 (series nova 8): 43-55. Subject: palaeontology CziFFERY-SziLÁGYI, G. 1957: Nouvelle flore sarmatienne a Várpalota. 49 (series nova 8): 57-60. Subject: palaeontology KECSKEMÉTI, T. 1957: Assilina praespira Douvillé aus dem ungarischen Eozän. 49 (series nova 8): 61-64. Subject: palaeontology KOL, E. 1957: On the snow vegetation of the Grecian Mountains. 49 (series nova 8): 65-69. Subject: botany BOHUS, G. & GYARMATI, B. 1957: The effects of temperature and pressure on fungi caus­ing wood-decay. 49 (series nova 8): 71-77. Subject: botany

