Matskási István (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 100. (Budapest 2008)

The Hungarian Natural History Museum is under the authority of the |l MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND CULTURE OKM Publication of this volume was financially supported by the National Cultural Foundation nka Nemzeti Kulturális Alap Editor-in-Chief: I. Matskási Editorial board: A. Embey-Isztin, L. Forró, T. I. Fuisz, A. Gubányi, L. Hably, O. Merkl, F. Mészáros, I. Pap, J. Szabó Editor: O. Merkl Date of publication: 30th November, 2008 HU-ISSN 0521-4726 © Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, 2008 Typeset: Hungarian Natural History Museum Printed by Winterfair 028 06

